In total, the shooting of the new Youtube video by bike star Fabio Wibmer took more than a year. After the first day one as a public video you can say from his point of view: It was worth it. Already on the first day the video "Wibmer's Law" was watched more than a million times.
"The Wibmer's Law shoot was actually the most challenging I've ever seen," says Wibmer himself. "For some settings we needed a lot of attempts, sometimes even several 100. Of course, there is nothing to be seen in the finished clip."
The Red Bull athlete does not only follow the title according to his own laws. He shows spectacular tricks on the bike - in an unfamiliar environment. Already "Fabiolous Escape 2", shot in Austria's mountains and on snow, has more than 41 million views on Youtube.
With "Wibmer's Law", the bike superstar now proves that the hustle and bustle and stress of the big city do not exist for him. He has transformed Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna and Linz into his personal playground, as evidenced by the eight minutes of video footage. "When I get on my bike, I manage to get away from this hectic pace and get some rest," says the 24-year-old. "I wanted to convey this message through Wibmer's Law. I hope others feel the same way."
Even a falling piano can't harm the trial bike professional. Fabio takes shortcuts over roofs and then moves around building sites standing on his handlebars. In addition, he also shows forward or backward salti (frontflip as well as double backflip) and turns his back on the city at the end.
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