Winter sports/12/05/2018

Michael Greis: “I’m As Ambitious As Ever”

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He is one of the greatest German biathletes of all time: Michael Michi Greis. He retired from his career as an athlete six years ago. In an interview, the three-time Olympic (and world) champion explains why becoming a coach wasn't in consideration for him for so long, how he views Germany’s current athletes, and why he’s confident that biathlon has a bright future as a popular televised winter sport.

Michi Greis trainiert das Biathlon-Team der USA.
Michi Greis trains the biathlon team of the USA. Mr. Greis, you retired six years ago. How do you experience the transition from athlete to coach? Did you already consider becoming a trainer back then?

Michael Greis: No, I had no idea. I studied International Management in Ansbach and worked as a specialist for Eurosport afterwards. Generally, it's quite relaxing to take a step back at some point. Since I was 13, I engaged a lot in biathlon. Later on, I worked as a youth coach in Lenzerheide, and now I coach the US team. But I’m as ambitious as I was before.

Speaking of ambition, how do you evaluate the development of Laura Dahlmeier? Do you think that this could spell the end of her career?

I’m confident that Laura will stick with the sport for a couple more years at least. Her career has been absolutely phenomenal so far, she has already won all of the important titles. It seems like she’s going through a rough time at the moment, so she’s taking it easy for a couple of weeks before the start of the season. This all shows how much pressure Laura’s under, but, given how professional she is and the fact that her support team is giving her as much space as she needs, she will hopefully strengthen from this experience.

Michael Greis holte 2008 seinen letzten Weltmeistertitel.
Michael Greis won his last world champion title in 2008.
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The Future of the Biathlon: Michael Greis Feels Optimistic

The power of public demand is a big factor here, considering that biathlon is one of the most watched winter sports on television. Is that still the case, or is the younger generation migrating straight to the internet?

Biathlon and ski jumping are still the top winter sports. They have around five million viewers and a market share of 20 to 25 percent. That is huge. If you watch winter sports on television on weekends, you can see that the broadcast always focuses on biathlon and ski jumping competitions. There’s a good reason to be optimistic about the future.

German athletes have been consistently successful for years. What happens if that stops being the case? What if a Laura Dahlmeier would rather go climbing in the future?

Looking back, women have always outperformed their male counterparts in biathlon. It’s certainly true that the women’s team has seen better lineups than the current one. But there have been times when at least one of the German women has been on the podium. It’s obvious that this won’t always be guaranteed. Someone like Laura is very important. She is a leader who paves the way for her teammates and can help them grow as athletes. This is something she’s done very well over the couple of years. And in four years the male lineup will be very different. It will be interesting to see if the next generation of athletes can rise to the challenge. This won’t be the first time that there has been a generational shift and the German Ski Association’s (DSV) biathletes coped with that very good. So I’m feeling quite optimistic.

Michael Greis holte 2006 dreimal olympisches Gold.
Michael Greis won three Olympic gold medals in 2006.
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A Shift in the Dsv’s Strategy: A New Focus on Young Biathlon Trainers

Now, they decided to change the coaching board...

Right now, they are working with a young coaching team. I do not know their strategy and don't know what led to the decision, but considering that biathlon is the second biggest winter sport,  any transformations should be thought through carefully. 

The DSV has implemented a new strategy based on establishing a team of young trainers. I am eager to see how they will manage the challenge, and I am sure that the whole team will live up to the success of recent years.

Were you approached by the DSV?

There were some talks about whether or not I’d be interested in working with the junior team. But at that point I was already engaged in discussions with the US team, a job which I am extremely enthusiastic about. 

Training Us Biathletes Is “a Little Adventure”

Prior to this, you’ve been coaching young biathletes in Switzerland for two years. Why did you decide to head to the USA?

Last summer it was sure to cancel what I was doing. So at the beginning of last winter, Bernd Eisenbichler, the U.S. Biathlon Association’s Chief of Sport, got in touch with me because he was looking for a coach. At first, we didn't talk as much. We met at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and discussed the matter. After that, things looked a lot more concrete. It’s a big challenge for me, my own little adventure. It’s a very different culture, so there has been a lot to learn about. But so far, I’m really enjoying it, even with all the traveling involved.

How are you organizing yourself, given that your training facilities are spread all over the country? In Lake Placid, in Vermont, in Anchorage...

Our main facility, the Olympic training center, is in Lake Placid. Most of the training takes place there, and it’s also where most of the athletes live. The US is obviously a very big country, but it’s now Tim Burke’s job to coordinate the junior team and the different locations. It’s my job to keep the stress level from traveling in check while arranging the training unities. At this point it’s mainly about establishing a certain dynamic within the group.

The Winter Sports Trends 2018/2019 in Pictures

The Bludan Crossblades are true all-rounders: in just a few simple steps, they can be transformed from snowshoes designed for climbing into mini skis for downhill skiing or gliding solutions for even terrain.
Phantom Glide offers a solution for easy ski and snowboard waxing.
Burton adapted their Anti Social Splitboards to the female body in terms of weight, size and riding characteristics.
The Hillstrike REV-17 offers perfect control and comfort thanks to carving style steering and flexible suspension.
Grown skis not only look stylish in their wood look, they are also sustainable and reduce the ecological footprint by half.
Tecnica has the perfect hiking shoe for every (!) foot with its individually adaptable Forge S.
Templa brought a hybrid jacket on the market that makes a good show in the city and the mountains.
Helly Hansen's Paradise Heat ski jacket can regulate its heat at the touch of a button, thus preventing freezing muscles and increasing performance.
The Bludan Crossblades are true all-rounders: in just a few simple steps, they can be transformed from snowshoes designed for climbing into mini skis for downhill skiing or gliding solutions for even terrain.
Phantom Glide offers a solution for easy ski and snowboard waxing.
Burton adapted their Anti Social Splitboards to the female body in terms of weight, size and riding characteristics.
The Hillstrike REV-17 offers perfect control and comfort thanks to carving style steering and flexible suspension.
Grown skis not only look stylish in their wood look, they are also sustainable and reduce the ecological footprint by half.
Tecnica has the perfect hiking shoe for every (!) foot with its individually adaptable Forge S.
Templa brought a hybrid jacket on the market that makes a good show in the city and the mountains.
Helly Hansen's Paradise Heat ski jacket can regulate its heat at the touch of a button, thus preventing freezing muscles and increasing performance.

How often do you manage to head home to the Allgäu?

I try to get back to the Allgäu whenever I can, or otherwise to my girlfriend in Munich. During the preliminaries, I flew back and forth every other week. The team actually ended up spending a couple of weeks in Germany in June/July. The younger team members handle the stress level quite well, but a couple of the athletes are married with children, and obviously want a chance to spend some time at home. You really have to bear this in mind when you’re coming up with schedules and plans, otherwise some team members will struggle to stay completely focused. 

Greis’ Goal for the USA: 13th Place

What do you hope for in your first season as head coach?

Our goal at this stage is to retain 13th position. With Sean Doherty, the four-time Junior World Champion, we have a very talented team member who will follow the footsteps of Burke and Bailey, which won't be easy. He definitely has the potential, but, based on our training sessions, I believe he  needs a couple more years. Therefore it’s important to keep building and to keep training over the next four years. But we’re already taking steps in this direction this season. My own experience that I can pass on to the team, is quite helpful. Everyone is on their own once the start signal resounds, but to know that they’re well trained and in good shape helps the guys enormously. 

Das Biathlon-Weltcup-Team der USA im neuen Maloja-Rennanzug.
The biathlon team of the USA has been equipped by Maloja since this World Cup season.

How well do you know the team?

We’ve been training together since May. After so many training sessions you really become closer as a team. I’m looking forward to the upcoming season and am excited to see how my athletes acquit themselves. They haven’t complained once, even though my training philosophy is a bit different to what they’re used to. A change of faces can help to introduce a lot of new things, even if there are some cultural differences. I can’t check in on them every day due to the large distances involved, so a lot of the training simply depends on trust. 

How are you coping with the language barrier?

Having to talk about the technical side of things in English, like skiing techniques and shooting positions, is definitely a challenge. How can I get my point across to the athletes? How can I motivate them? It's something that takes time, and where I can definitely improve.

“Fighting for Every Second from the Very First Competition Is the Be-All and End-All”

How do you approach that?

Learning by doing. I do my best to completely immerse myself in English, whether with films or certain texts. At the end of the day, I believe that practice defines the master. Even when you’re a coach you don’t know everything, regardless of who you’re coaching. If one thinks he knows everything he's wrong. But the guys realize that I’m always fully motivated. In any case, I want to see them fighting for every second and every position from the very first competition. That’s the be-all and end-all.

Top 10: These are the most successful Nordic ski stars on Instagram

10th Peter Prevc, 120,400 Instagram followers: 2016 was the year of Peter Prevc. At that time, the Slovenian secured the Four Hills Tournament, individual gold at the Ski Flying World Championship and the overall World Cup for the 2015/16 season. His two younger brothers Cene and Domen are also jumping - as well as his sister
9) Laura Dahlmeier, 128,000 Instagram followers: The World Cup winter 2018/19 starts without her. But in the course of the season the most popular German biathlete wants to enter, which should do the German team good: Dahlmeier has won two Olympic gold medals in 2018, seven gold medals at World Championships and won the overall World Cup for the 2016/17 season.
8) Kaisa Mäkäräinen, 136,400 Instagram Followers: The queen in the overall World Cup 2017/18 was Kaisa in the women's biathlon. At the age of 35, the Finn continues to be one of the world's best after deciding to continue her career in May 2018. Since her World Cup debut in 2005, Kaisa Mäkäräinen has won 23 individual races, a total of six medals at Biathlon World Championships and three overall World Cups.
7) Andreas Wellinger, 145,500 Instagram followers: In February 2018 he achieved his greatest success. Andreas Wellinger jumped to gold at the Olympic Winter Games from the normal hill, followed by silver on the large hill - in the singles and in the team. Wellinger starts for the SC Ruhpolding and strives again for a strong season, so that he can keep the number of followers as the strongest German athlete in the Nordic area.
6) Johannes Tingnes Bö, 166.400 Instagram followers: With his 25 years still young in his sport biathlon is the Norwegian Johannes Tingnes Bö. He has always been one of the greatest talents of his sport. At the Olympic Winter Games 2018 he became Olympic champion in singles. He's also triple world champion.
5) Piotr Zyla, 179,700 Instagram followers: Not much less followers has the second strongest Pole in the Ski Jumping World Cup. And this despite the fact that Piotr Zyla's greatest success is just a bronze medal at the World Championships. The 31 year-old also entertains his users in somewhat more daring (jump) suits.
4) Kamil Stoch, 234,200 Instagram followers: All four jumps won at the Four Hills Tournament - something like that gets around in social media. Pole Kamil Stoch set Sven Hannawald's record in 2018, winning both individual medals at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi and one in Pyeongchang in 2018. And in 2017 and 2018 he was unbeatable at the Four Hills Tournament.
3) Dorothea Wierer, 284,900 Instagram followers: Most successful woman among the Nordic athletes in social networks is Dorothea Wierer. The Italian has been part of the top athletes of the World Cup for years, but she is still waiting for a big title. Maybe in the new season?
2) Anton Schipulin, 320,100 Instagram followers: Second place for the third best in the Biathlon Overall World Cup 2017/18. The Russian has been competing in the World Cup since 2009, where he consistently achieves good results. Only single gold at a major event is still missing. His sister is stronger: Anastasiya Kuzmina, who starts for Slovakia, is a three-time Olympic champion.
1) Martin Fourcade, 373,800 Instagram followers: The most popular Nordic ski athlete on social networks is also a biathlete. And he is also the best on track: Five times Fourcade became Olympic Champion, eleven times World Champion and in the last seven years winner of the World Cup overall ranking.
10th Peter Prevc, 120,400 Instagram followers: 2016 was the year of Peter Prevc. At that time, the Slovenian secured the Four Hills Tournament, individual gold at the Ski Flying World Championship and the overall World Cup for the 2015/16 season. His two younger brothers Cene and Domen are also jumping - as well as his sister
9) Laura Dahlmeier, 128,000 Instagram followers: The World Cup winter 2018/19 starts without her. But in the course of the season the most popular German biathlete wants to enter, which should do the German team good: Dahlmeier has won two Olympic gold medals in 2018, seven gold medals at World Championships and won the overall World Cup for the 2016/17 season.
8) Kaisa Mäkäräinen, 136,400 Instagram Followers: The queen in the overall World Cup 2017/18 was Kaisa in the women's biathlon. At the age of 35, the Finn continues to be one of the world's best after deciding to continue her career in May 2018. Since her World Cup debut in 2005, Kaisa Mäkäräinen has won 23 individual races, a total of six medals at Biathlon World Championships and three overall World Cups.
7) Andreas Wellinger, 145,500 Instagram followers: In February 2018 he achieved his greatest success. Andreas Wellinger jumped to gold at the Olympic Winter Games from the normal hill, followed by silver on the large hill - in the singles and in the team. Wellinger starts for the SC Ruhpolding and strives again for a strong season, so that he can keep the number of followers as the strongest German athlete in the Nordic area.
6) Johannes Tingnes Bö, 166.400 Instagram followers: With his 25 years still young in his sport biathlon is the Norwegian Johannes Tingnes Bö. He has always been one of the greatest talents of his sport. At the Olympic Winter Games 2018 he became Olympic champion in singles. He's also triple world champion.
5) Piotr Zyla, 179,700 Instagram followers: Not much less followers has the second strongest Pole in the Ski Jumping World Cup. And this despite the fact that Piotr Zyla's greatest success is just a bronze medal at the World Championships. The 31 year-old also entertains his users in somewhat more daring (jump) suits.
4) Kamil Stoch, 234,200 Instagram followers: All four jumps won at the Four Hills Tournament - something like that gets around in social media. Pole Kamil Stoch set Sven Hannawald's record in 2018, winning both individual medals at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi and one in Pyeongchang in 2018. And in 2017 and 2018 he was unbeatable at the Four Hills Tournament.
3) Dorothea Wierer, 284,900 Instagram followers: Most successful woman among the Nordic athletes in social networks is Dorothea Wierer. The Italian has been part of the top athletes of the World Cup for years, but she is still waiting for a big title. Maybe in the new season?
2) Anton Schipulin, 320,100 Instagram followers: Second place for the third best in the Biathlon Overall World Cup 2017/18. The Russian has been competing in the World Cup since 2009, where he consistently achieves good results. Only single gold at a major event is still missing. His sister is stronger: Anastasiya Kuzmina, who starts for Slovakia, is a three-time Olympic champion.
1) Martin Fourcade, 373,800 Instagram followers: The most popular Nordic ski athlete on social networks is also a biathlete. And he is also the best on track: Five times Fourcade became Olympic Champion, eleven times World Champion and in the last seven years winner of the World Cup overall ranking.

And how important is a sensible racing suit?

Quite a lot of progress has been made there since my active days. My pants used to get worn out at the sides by my poles. To address this problem, Maloja has established a special, extremely high quality material. Furthermore, they applied special pads on the overarm, hip, and elbow for extra grip when shooting.

Der Rennanzug von Maloja überzeugte 2018 die ISPO Award Jury als Winner im Segment Snowsports.
Maloja's racing suit convinced the ISPO Award Jury in 2018 as the winner in the snow sports segment.
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Maloja: “A Super Young, Innovative, and Clever Brand - Exactly the Kind of Team We Want to Be”

What sort of relationship do you have with Maloja, the Chiemgau-based brand that has been equipping the US team since this World Cup season?

I got to know Maloja at a little get-together back when we were training near Ruhpolding in the summer. A super young, innovative, and clever brand – exactly the kind of team we want to be. I’m sure that this will be a great collaboration. In any case, we’re very enthusiastic. The CEO introduced their vision and the development of their brand to us. We can transfer a lot of that to our sport. It will give us that extra bit of motivation for the new season. After Tim Burke and Lowell Bailey left the team, this season also marks a new beginning for the team. Our aim is to continue performing at the same level.