7 days, 7 good news stories: a heroic victory in the Tour-de-France, a head wash for the bathing cap ignoramuses and a football club taking a stand against racism.

7 Days, 7 Good News: Pedaling for Children in Need and Bundesliga in Green

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We think: Good news is needed every now and then. Especially from the world of sports. In our Good News we serve you seven news items every week that make our – and hopefully your – sports heart beat faster. Because the news is fun. Because they are trend-setting. Because they show new trends. Because they sprinkle a pinch of absurdity in a much too serious world. Or because they simply bring joy. The main thing is to be in a good mood – that's our motto in this news format.

And we'll get right to work with the Bundesliga, which is becoming greener, cyclists who collect donations for disadvantaged children, and the uncovering of institutional racism in Scottish cricket.


Bundesliga, but in sustainable

The Bundesliga is becoming greener: In the future, the matches of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga are to be broadcast in a climate-neutral manner. As a first step, the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the broadcasts are to be offset. And in parallel, the league then wants to work with pay-TV broadcaster Sky to fundamentally reduce emissions. We think more sustainability in soccer is a good thing - it makes watching the game at home in front of the TV twice as much fun.


Pedaling for children in need

Doing something for your own health and at the same time doing good for others - that is the goal of the association "Radeln und helfen e.V.". The concept: Whether alone or in a group, on the way to work or on a long tour, cyclists create actions or join an action. Donations are then collected, the full amount of which goes to disadvantaged, handicapped or otherwise needy children. Founder Gerhard Dashuber, for example, covered more than 40,000 meters in altitude and 1,100 kilometers on his racing bike with his project "Seven summits" and collected money for every meter in altitude. Super action!


Fair Play by Mario Wiggert

Referees are also only human beings who make mistakes. Nevertheless, tolerance for them is often very low. And fair play is not a matter of course for all players in soccer. Mario Wiggert, E-youth coach at SG Bad Schwartau, set an example by accepting the wrong decision of a young referee in his first game instead of reproaching him. For this, he received the Fair Play Award from the German Football Association. Bibiana Steinhaus-Webb, former model referee, praised Wiggert: "Accepting a wrong decision for the right reasons, that touched me."

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Bergzeit Second-Hand platform for more sustainability

As much fun as new outdoor gear is and as necessary as it sometimes is, its production consumes valuable resources. All the more important to wear your clothes as long as possible and pass them on when they are no longer used. Bergzeit is setting a good example here. On the second-hand platform Re-Use, athletes can send in their branded clothing so that it can find a new owner. We'd love to see more of it!


Double climbing power for the European Championships 2022

In a few weeks, the European Championships are coming up in Munich - and the German climbers are in top form for it! Alexander Megos from DAV Erlangen won the bronze medal at the Lead World Cup in Briancon, France. All the more pleasing for him, because it did not go so well in the last competitions. Directly behind him in fourth place was his teammate Yannik Flohé from Aachen. So the chances of winning medals at the European Championships in Munich in 2022 are not bad. We are curious to see whether Megos and Flohé will make it onto the podium there.


Noah Lyles sprints against depression

Noah Lyles was considered the new Usain Bolt. But his depression interfered with his exceptional career. Now his mental health seems to be on the upswing again: Lyles won the 200-meter final at the World Athletics Championships with a breathtaking 19.31 seconds. Another record for the USA, too! But the best news may be that Lyles is doing better - a year after he told of his deep fears and sadness at the Tokyo Olympics. If that's not good news!


Exposing incidents of racism in Scottish cricket

Majid Haq and Quasmim Sheikh had publicly complained of institutional racism in the Scottish Cricket Association and, as a sad result, were both kicked out of the national team last year. But now, a year later, an independent inquiry found a total of 448 examples of racism in the organization. The commission in charge recognized a "culture of racially motivated micro-aggressions." Large parts of the cricket association's top management subsequently resigned. Finally some justice for Majid Haq and Quasmim Sheikh and hopefully just the beginning of change.

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