
From PET Bottles to Textile Recycling: Where Does the Sports Industry Stand?

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Old PET bottles are nowadays used to make polyester clothing, and there are also sports jerseys, outdoor jackets, shirts, trousers and bikinis made of plastic waste. But can textiles and shoes also be recycled? The good news is that some solutions have already been found. However, textiles and shoes can only be recycled with a massive reduction in quality.

Textilrecycling ist komplex. Bekleidung aus recycelten PET-Flaschen kann nur ein Anfang sein.
Textile recycling is complex. Clothing made from recycled PET bottles can only be a start.

Recycling of Shoes Possible Since 2018

The world's first industrial recycling plant for all types of footwear has been in operation in Germany since June 2018. It was established by Soex Recycling Germany GmbH from Bitterfeld, which in cooperation with European companies has developed a shoe recycling plant within five years.

After one year in test operation, the production volume is to be doubled to two tons per day from June 2019. Every day 52,000 pairs of shoes arrive at the factory, about a quarter of which cannot be resold as second-hand goods and are therefore sent to the shredder. Here, the shoes are shredded and separated into rubber granulates, leather and textile particles as well as foam.

Recycling Shoes for Soles or Judo Mats

New shoes can no longer be made from them, but the raw materials are saved from landing on the rubbish dump or incineration. Shoe soles or floor mats can be made from the rubber, floor coverings, shoe insoles or judo mats from the different foams. The recycling of leather and textile particles is still being researched.

However, not all types of shoes can yet be recycled: "We still have no solution for skates, ski boots, roller skates and safety shoes," explained Tim Krawczyk of Soex.

New Successes in Recycling Textiles

There is a lot going on in the field of textile recycling. The main raw material is textile production waste, which is easy for companies to collect. Cotton, wool and all synthetic fibers are thus recycled and at least partly mixed with new materials. Even recycled laminates and zippers are already on the market.

Down can also be recycled, they do not come from waste, but from collecting old bedding. Previously, it has not been possible to break fiber mixtures down into their starting materials in order to recycle them, but now, there are new solutions for this problem, too.

Gab es bislang noch nicht: Eine Recycling-Anlage für Schuhe. Die erste weltweit steht in Bitterfeld-Wolfen von der Firma Soex.
There has never been a recycling plant for shoes before. The first one worldwide is located in Bitterfeld-Wolfen from the company Soex.
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Chemical Separation of Cotton and Polyester Now Possible

Numerous companies and laboratories around the world are working on the chemical separation of cotton and polyester. Just recently, an Australian company reported that it could separate the two fibers.

Polyester becomes polyester again and cotton cellulose powder, which can be used for cellulose fibers such as viscose. Work is also underway on new plastics that are easier to recycle.

The Most Sustainable Sports Brands in Pictures

The Tankr snowshoes from Fimbulvetr are a prime example of sustainability. They are 100% recyclable and the company gives a lifetime warranty and repair facility. In 2017 they received the ISPO Award in the Eco Achievement Hardware segment.
NZERO's 100% sustainable waxes for snow sports are based on natural ingredients: A mix of soybeans and corn. This means they do not need any chemical additives. NZERO was also awarded the ISPO Award for Eco Achievements Accessories in 2017.
The Tierra Products Deterra Hooded Anorak is the first quilted anorak made from 100 percent natural materials. Only renewable raw materials are used. Not for nothing did the 2017 jacket receive the SPO Award in the Eco Achievement Apparel category.
The Grown Outdoor Creativity Lab specialises in the design of regenerative design solutions. An example of this is their ski "MonViso Hemp edition", which combines systemic design, natural, local materials with innovative production methods. In 2018 Grown received the ISPO Award in Eco Achievement Hardgoods.
The small company RÖJK focuses 100 percent on sustainable innovations. These can also be found in the Badland Jacket. Here timeless, versatile design is combined with traditional and natural materials. The focus is on bio-based and biodegradable components. In 2018, the brand won the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Apparel segment.
The Green Shape Core Collection is at the heart of Vaude's sustainable development. Each product consists of 90 percent organic, recycled or pure natural materials. For this, Vaude received the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Brand segment.
Cortazu verbindet in seinen Produkten Stil, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit. Für seine Recycled Nylon 3-Layer Jacket hat Cortazu in Zusammenarbeit mit Green Threads ein leichtes 3L-Stretchgewebe aus 100 % recyceltem Nylon entwickelt. Das Nylon stammt aus postindustriellen Abfällen. Für die innovative und umweltfreundliche Hochleistungsjacke wird die niederländische Outdoor-Marke im Jahr 2019 ISPO Award Gold Winner im Segment Outdoor Apparel.
The Sordo boat from Berg Outdoor became Product of the Year in the Urban segment. This shoe is completely biodegradable.
Founder Markus Wiesböck from Grüezi Bag is delighted to receive the Product of the Year award at the ISPO Award in the Outdoor segment for the Biopod Downwool Nature sleeping bag. It consists of 100 percent pure natural materials - from the packaging to the last button.
The Tankr snowshoes from Fimbulvetr are a prime example of sustainability. They are 100% recyclable and the company gives a lifetime warranty and repair facility. In 2017 they received the ISPO Award in the Eco Achievement Hardware segment.
NZERO's 100% sustainable waxes for snow sports are based on natural ingredients: A mix of soybeans and corn. This means they do not need any chemical additives. NZERO was also awarded the ISPO Award for Eco Achievements Accessories in 2017.
The Tierra Products Deterra Hooded Anorak is the first quilted anorak made from 100 percent natural materials. Only renewable raw materials are used. Not for nothing did the 2017 jacket receive the SPO Award in the Eco Achievement Apparel category.
The Grown Outdoor Creativity Lab specialises in the design of regenerative design solutions. An example of this is their ski "MonViso Hemp edition", which combines systemic design, natural, local materials with innovative production methods. In 2018 Grown received the ISPO Award in Eco Achievement Hardgoods.
The small company RÖJK focuses 100 percent on sustainable innovations. These can also be found in the Badland Jacket. Here timeless, versatile design is combined with traditional and natural materials. The focus is on bio-based and biodegradable components. In 2018, the brand won the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Apparel segment.
The Green Shape Core Collection is at the heart of Vaude's sustainable development. Each product consists of 90 percent organic, recycled or pure natural materials. For this, Vaude received the ISPO Award 2018 in the Eco Achievement Brand segment.
Cortazu verbindet in seinen Produkten Stil, Funktionalität und Nachhaltigkeit. Für seine Recycled Nylon 3-Layer Jacket hat Cortazu in Zusammenarbeit mit Green Threads ein leichtes 3L-Stretchgewebe aus 100 % recyceltem Nylon entwickelt. Das Nylon stammt aus postindustriellen Abfällen. Für die innovative und umweltfreundliche Hochleistungsjacke wird die niederländische Outdoor-Marke im Jahr 2019 ISPO Award Gold Winner im Segment Outdoor Apparel.
The Sordo boat from Berg Outdoor became Product of the Year in the Urban segment. This shoe is completely biodegradable.
Founder Markus Wiesböck from Grüezi Bag is delighted to receive the Product of the Year award at the ISPO Award in the Outdoor segment for the Biopod Downwool Nature sleeping bag. It consists of 100 percent pure natural materials - from the packaging to the last button.

Problem: Worn Clothing Is Hardly Recyclable so Far

However, the recycling of old clothes is still a problem because clothing consists of a mix of many materials and is seldom pure. In addition, finishing processes such as dyeing, impregnating and laminating change the fiber properties.

Because no one knows exactly which fibers and chemicals are in old clothes, no new fibers can be made out of them. The result would not be calculable.

Mechanical Recycling Dominates

This is why mechanical recycling has dominated so far, whereby the fibers are torn and processed into cleaning cloths or insulating material. Even if it were possible to produce pure cotton, the question arises as to whether, for example, cotton recycling makes sense if, according to the current state of the art, the recycled fiber is subsequently inferior to new cotton and thus impairs the longevity of the product.

Polyester from PET Bottles Does Not Solve the Garbage Problem of the Textile Industry

In the recycling of old textiles it is so far only a question of separating second-hand goods from unwearable goods, whereby the first group is resold and the rest either ends up in the shredder or goes to the waste incineration plant. Not only is consumption and the quantity of old clothes increasing worldwide, but the quality is also declining due to the masses of cheap goods. This means that the proportion of textile waste is increasing disproportionately.

Collaboration Across the Value Chain

"For the recycling of used clothing, we still need great progress and, above all, more cooperation across the entire value chain, from design and consumers to intelligent take-back systems and the recycler," said Dr. Eva Halsch from the Institute Bavaria Innovative that has just published a study on textiles and sustainability.

The recycling of the famous PET bottles to polyester can only be a beginning. With bottle recycling, the textile industry does not solve its own waste problem, but that of the food industry.