
Next Entrepreneurs: Generation-Z Solves Future Questions of Industry

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With "Next Entrepreneurs", OutDoor by ISPO has launched an ambitious project within the framework of the X-Industry platform. There, young people solved questions about the future of industry directly at the trade fair. In just three days, they developed tangible concepts and presented them to the jury - which was very impressed. ISPO.com was there.

Teilnehmer von Next Entrepreneurs bei ihrem Pitch auf der OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
Participants of Next Entrepreneurs at their pitch at OutDoor by ISPO 2019.

Four questions from the partners Vaude, xStarters, German Council of Shopping Center - GCSC and the Messe München the participating 35 pupils and young people aged 14-19 worked in eight teams, two teams per question. After a total of only 15 working hours, the presentation took place in three minute pitches. ISPO.com reports.

Day 1: Identify the Problem - Sharpen Focus

Accompanied by experienced mentors, the teenagers set off directly in the exhibition halls. Step 1: Define the problem and collect creative ideas. The mentors were also very close. For example, Antje von Dewitz, Managing Director of Vaude, presented her company, guiding principles and visions to the students. She encouraged the students, "You can always come to our booth if you have any questions."

In Teams haben sich die Teilnehmer bei Next Entrepreneurs über die Zukunft der Outdoor-Branche gebrainstormt.
The participants brainstormed about the future of the outdoor industry in teams at Next Entrepreneurs.
Image credit:
Eva Doll

Children Think Freely and Without Constraints

Günes Seyfarth, co-founder of Next Entrepreneurs explained: "Children are born curious, they think freely and without constraints and grow in their development every day beyond themselves. With adulthood, this will partly be lost, especially the desire to make mistakes, although they are a valuable part of development. At Next Entrepreneurs we start there. We give the students confidence in their ideas and solutions, support them in developing them further and bring them into a tangible form with the kids. Feeling the energy of Generation Z is phenomenal and instructive."

Day 2: Solution Development and Formulation

The Next Entrepreneurs followed two concrete solution approaches in step two. The children used OutDoor by ISPO for inspirations, surveys and test runs as well as for first contacts with the industry. "You learn here that it's not bad if a solution doesn't work, you just have to go on and find another solution" says Pascal, 15 years old.

At OutDoor by ISPO, the makers of tomorrow connected with industry today. Roger Zimmermann, Founder & CEO Next Entrepreneurs: "It is important to sharpen the mindset. As digital change progresses, everything changes. Jobs and workspace. Who prepares the kids for the new world - and who, conversely, gives the industry innovative impulses for tomorrow? It's perfect that we are able to act with special proximity to the industry right at the trade fair. A link that creates a win-win situation for everyone involved."

The Best Pictures from OutDoor by ISPO

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ISPO Digitize Summit 2019 - Eröffnung
OutDoor by ISPO Party 2019
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OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 3. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 3. Tag
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OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Minister Dr. Gerd Müller
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2 Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights of the first day
Main press conference OutDoor by ISPO 2019
The glamping trend also finds its place in the OutDoor by ISPO camping area
In an interview with host Hannah Klose (r.), Monika Dech, Deputy Managing Director of Messe München GmbH and co-founder of Frauen verbinden, provided exciting insights into her work.
In the Focus Area Climbing Hub of OutDoor by ISPO, visitors can set and try out different routes.
Listeners at the CSR Hub & Sustainability Kiosk in Hall B6 of OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
People trying ou table tennis at OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Hunde
ISPO Digitize Summit 2019 - Eröffnung
OutDoor by ISPO Party 2019
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 3. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 3. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 3. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Kollektion
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Minister Dr. Gerd Müller
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Tag
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2 Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights 2. Day
OutDoor by ISPO 2019 - Highlights of the first day
Main press conference OutDoor by ISPO 2019
The glamping trend also finds its place in the OutDoor by ISPO camping area
In an interview with host Hannah Klose (r.), Monika Dech, Deputy Managing Director of Messe München GmbH and co-founder of Frauen verbinden, provided exciting insights into her work.
In the Focus Area Climbing Hub of OutDoor by ISPO, visitors can set and try out different routes.
Listeners at the CSR Hub & Sustainability Kiosk in Hall B6 of OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
People trying ou table tennis at OutDoor by ISPO 2019.

Day 3: The Pitch - Generation Z Thinks Digital, Technically and Sustainable

On the stage of the X-Industry Area, the students will present their solutions to the jury consisting of Antje von Dewitz (Managing Director Vaude), Holger Feist (Chief Strategy Officer Messe München), Moana Keiper (Project Manager xStarters), Ingmar Behrens (Managing Director GCSC) and Stephan Grabmeier (Head of Strategic Partnerships Next Entrepreneurs).

With a lot of ease they presented momentum and energy - a lively atmosphere arose. It quickly became clear: Digital plays a leading role for the makers of tomorrow. Hardly any presentation in which the smartphone, technical innovation and apps did not play a role. Sustainability and preservation of the environment is a matter of course for the future makers. Likewise an urge for freedom, self-determination and space is noticeable. Three prizes were awarded by the jury, but everyone agreed: The performances of all students were excellent.

Die Teilnehmer an Next Entrepreneurs auf der OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
Participants at Next Entrepreneurs at OutDoor by ISPO 2019.
Image credit:
Hauke Seyfarth

Winners Presented the Future Shopping Center

A winning team asked themselves the question: What will the shopping center of the future look like? The answer was a shopping centre in the architecture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex - with a huge outside slide. The clear message: shopping must be special and stress-free.

In the entrance area there are Holocams - they scan the visitor and form a personalized hologram. Visitors can try on selected styles virtually. How's that? The mobile phone is connected to the shopping centre and displays available items suitable for the customer. If the customer buys an item of clothing, he pays immediately via mobile phone. The purchase sends a signal to a merchandise management system in the attic, operated by robots. The goods are sent immediately to the customer.

On each floor there is a supervised play area and sports areas for all those who are not shopping. Catering is part of the concept.

Pupils are Spontaneously Invited by Jury Members

The results of the young people were very impressive. Ingmar Behrens even so that he invited the students: "I want to develop further with you. With our architects, our team. Your input is the focus", Behrens addressed the children.

After the event, he drew the conclusion: "A very successful project. So many creative, cool kids. The ideas they show are quite real - fascinating, with which precision the solutions were worked out in such a short time. The impulses given by the children are enormous, some of them presenting solutions that the industry is working on worldwide. Ideal to link the youth directly with the industry through OutDoor by ISPO. That's a real, forward-looking thought-provoking impulse for the industries."