
True Motion Running Shoes: The Biomechanical Innovation

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A new German running shoe brand wants to conquer the running market - with a revolutionary approach. U-Tech is the name of the concept, Nevos is the name of the shoe which was awarded as ISPO Award Gold Winner. At the running symposium of ISPO Munich 2019, the three founders presented their innovation and revealed the sales price as well as their distribution channels.

First shoe, first prize: With the U-Tech Nevos, True Motion immediately won the ISPO Award in gold.
The three founders of True Motion (from left): Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann, Christian Arens and Andre Kriwet.

"It doesn't happen too often that we can present a completely new running shoe company here," said Urs Weber at ISPO Munich 2019. For the sixth time already, the chief reporter of Runner´s World Deutschland has organized and moderated the Running Shoe Symposium at ISPO Munich. As Weber is responsible for the largest running shoe database in Germany, he knows the running shoe market better than anybody else. Still, the concentrated expertise of the founders of True Motion and their innovation U-Tech Nevos, which won the ISPO Award in Gold in the Health and Fitness category, inspired journalists as well as specialist dealers and experts at the Running Shoe Symposium.

"New Running Experience and Biomechanical Innovation" has compiled the most important questions and answers about the ISPO Award Gold Winner U-Tech Nevos by True Motion, which, according to the founders, "is supposed to offer a new running experience and biomechanical innovation in one solution."

The Running Shoe Novelty from True Motion in Pictures

Andre Kriwet, here lecturing at the running symposium at ISPO Munich 2019, and his co-founder Professor Gerd-Peter Brüggemann focus on "quality instead of quantity".
The U-Tech Nevos is the product of years of experience of the three founders of True Motion.
More than two decades with large running shoe companies: True Motion founder Andre Kriwet, here at the running shoe symposium at ISPO Munich, has put all his experience into the U-Tech Nevos.
Unique selling point: the special sole with two U-shaped elements is designed to protect against injuries.
Professor Gerd-Peter Brüggemann, one of the three True Motion founders, is considered one of the leading biomechanics experts worldwide.
The Nevos Family: True Motion's U-Tech Nevos will be launched in summer 2019 in four colors, two for women and two for men.
The three founders of True Motion (from left): Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann, Christian Arens and Andre Kriwet.
First shoe, first prize: With the U-Tech Nevos, True Motion immediately won the ISPO Award in gold.
Andre Kriwet, here lecturing at the running symposium at ISPO Munich 2019, and his co-founder Professor Gerd-Peter Brüggemann focus on "quality instead of quantity".
The U-Tech Nevos is the product of years of experience of the three founders of True Motion.
More than two decades with large running shoe companies: True Motion founder Andre Kriwet, here at the running shoe symposium at ISPO Munich, has put all his experience into the U-Tech Nevos.
Unique selling point: the special sole with two U-shaped elements is designed to protect against injuries.
Professor Gerd-Peter Brüggemann, one of the three True Motion founders, is considered one of the leading biomechanics experts worldwide.
The Nevos Family: True Motion's U-Tech Nevos will be launched in summer 2019 in four colors, two for women and two for men.
The three founders of True Motion (from left): Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann, Christian Arens and Andre Kriwet.
First shoe, first prize: With the U-Tech Nevos, True Motion immediately won the ISPO Award in gold.

Who Is Behind the U-Tech Nevos, Who Are the Founders of True Motion?

True Motion is a new company, but its inventors are old acquaintances in the running business:

  • Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann was Head of the Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopaedics at the Sports University in Cologne. He is regarded as one of the leading biomechanics experts worldwide and has advised numerous running brands on biomechanics.
  • Andre Kriwet was chief product developer at Brooks and previously with Nike and Asics.
  • Christian Arens is commercial managing director and previously worked as an auditor.

"Peter is our master. I'm the apprentice. And Christian counts the thalers," said Andre Kriwet with a wink. "We worked for absolutely fantastic companies and grew up there. But as it is often the case with children: at some point, they have to find their own way and leave the house."

(Why) Does It Need Another Running Shoe Brand?

37 running shoe companies are already active on the German market. "Now we are number 38. Does it really still need that?," asks Andre Kriwet, one of the three founders of True Motion. He gives himself the answer: "No, no one needs 38 brands of running shoes." Then why True Motion? "Running shoes haven't functionally improved for years. It's all about knitting and energy resetting the midsole. Isn't there more than these two things? What about biomechanics? This question has driven us," said Kriwet. And the goal: "We want to create the best possible running shoe for an optimal running experience."

What Does (The Name) True Motion Stand For?

"True Motion comes one step closer to the truth about the best possible running shoe," the founders said. "True Motion for us means answering the question: What is true?" explained Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann. "What do we really know about pronation, knee load and fatigue, damping and energy return?"

What Sets True Motion Apart from the Competition?

Kriwet has worked with industry leaders Brooks, Nike and Asics for nearly 25 years and knows all of their competitors. He said about the market of running shoe manufacturers: "So-called innovations are driven by margins and profit. Runners are not really the focus of companies. Functionally biomechanical shoes are in short supply."

True Motion relies on a different concept. Here are the three key points:

  • A new running experience and biomechanical innovation in one solution
  • Approach to the cause of the problem instead of treating symptoms
  • No running shoe categorization Neutral vs. stability

Particularly the last point represents a new approach. "Overpronation is obsolete and dead. But there are no conclusive new approaches. Now what? Nothing comes from the industry anymore," said Andre Kriwet. "Running shoe categories such as neutral and stability are a futile attempt to help runners by treating symptoms. But these old categories have had their day. We start at the cause of non-physiological movement and do not let the problems arise in the first place."

What Characterizes the U-Tech Solution at True Motion?

The characteristic features of the sole are the two U-shaped elements on the forefoot and under the heel. "This arrangement is inspired by the form and function of the human foot," explained Prof. Gert-Peter Brüggemann. Thanks to the two hoof-shaped elements, you feel like you are on a soft and responsive trampoline, but you also feel safety and stability when your foot sinks into the center of the U-shaped construction.

"Our shoe can do both comfort and stability," said Prof. Brüggemann. "We have developed a new technology that is as ingenious as the human body itself. It centers the force in the center of the joints so that no harmful torsional forces act when walking and joint pain, for example in the knee, does not occur in the first place."

By bringing the force application point under the heel and thus avoiding lever forces and rotations, and instead of directing the force forward in the crotch, the leg axis and knee can also be stabilized. This reduces the risk of injury, explained Prof. Brüggemann.

"The runner doesn't have to understand everything," said product developer Kriwet, "he just has to know that he is getting function and running feeling in an intelligent solution. Thanks to U-Tech, the shoe feels centered, provides support and safety and is extremely responsive - like a trampoline."

When and Where Will True Motion Go on Sale? How Much Is the Nevos?

The Nevos will be available from "selected running specialists in Germany" from mid-2019 and also via the homepage as Andre Kriwet explained. True Motion therefore focuses on the specialized retail trade and not on mass distribution. The selling price should be 150 Euro. Initially, customers can choose between four colors, two for women and two for men.

What Are True Motion's Other Plans?

In spring 2020 the Nevos will be available in more colors and also a new model.

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