Sports Business/01/13/2017

T3 Ping Pong and Stag International Become Partners

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The ISPO BRANDNEW 2016 finalist T3 Ping Pong and India’s largest sports equipment manufacturer Stag International will work together in the future: They have concluded a joint venture agreement. 

The round table tennis table of T3 Ping Pong makes it possible for six players to play together.
The round table tennis table of T3 Ping Pong makes it possible for six players to play together.

A round table tennis table, that makes it possible for up to six players to play together at the same time: With this innovative product, T3 Ping Pong managed to become one of the six finalists in the category Summer Hardware at ISPO BRANDNEW 2016. “Thanks to the encounter with Stag International at ISPO MUNICH 2016, the contract came into being,” says Digi Berry, the founder of T3 Ping Pong.

One year after the successful participation in the largest start-up competition in the sports business, the company has now concluded a joint venture contract with India’s largest sports equipment manufacturer Stag International. The table tennis tables from Stag International are used among other things for international competitions of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). The company also supports the Paralympic Games by providing table tennis tables.

T3 Ping Pong is also involved in various charitable projects. These include setting up their round table tennis tables, which players can also play at while sitting down, in homes for the elderly. In this way, they wish to help Alzheimer’s and dementia patients to experience more joy in their everyday life and to cause their symptoms to improve.

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