
Evaluation & Judging Criteria

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We are looking to award product and service-highlights that make the sport experience more enjoyable, more accessible, safer or simply that motivate to experience the world of sports in all its diversity.


The criteria for the product judging at ISPO Award are:

  • Innovation and trend character
  • Purpose & target group
  • Material selection - cost/ composition or, in the case of services: concept/ procedure of the service
  • Design - appearance 
  • Price-performance ratio
  • Weight/ pack size/ ratio/ handling or, for services: Handling/ accessibility/ effort required for use
  • Quality of workmanship/ process/ procedure
  • Functionality/ usability
  • Sustainability

The criteria printed in bold are considered particularly important and are therefore weighted twice.

Judging Mode

The products will be rated based on the following scoring system. For each criteria maximum of 5 or 10 points can be reached:

1 = insufficient

2 = poor

3 = satisfactory

4 = good

5 = very good

max. 360 Points for a product ( 6x5 & 3x10 per Juror)

Special & separated sustainability judging – points counted on top (only for brands who submitted the additional sustainability questionnaire).

What might a judging look like?

After skiing article manufacturer X has submitted its newly developed ski helmet for the ISPO Award via convenient online registration, a jury of six experts will judge the entry based on the above criteria.

An independent evaluation could look as follows:

CategoryJudge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3Judge 4 Judge 5Judge 6
Innovation and trend character10/108/1010/108/1010/1010/10
Purpose & target group4/53/54/54/54/54/5
Material selection - cost3/54/54/54/54/55/5
Design - appearance4/55/54/54/54/54/5
Price-performance ratio4/54/55/53/52/54/5
Weight/ pack size/ ratio/ handling3/55/54/54/54/53/5
Quality of orkmanship10/1010/1010/108/108/1010/10

Judging: 301

The ski helmet was rated with a total of 301 out of 360 possible points and thus achieved the required number of points to be honored as an ISPO Award Winner. The brand can look forward to a detailed ISPO.com review article and a highlight staging at the next ISPO event, as well as numerous other exclusive benefits.

You can find important questions and answers in our webinar:


Florian v. Stuckrad
Project Management for Native Advertising on ISPO.com