Sports Business/06/08/2020

Restart! Social Media Celebrates the Return of Sport

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Restart at last! More and more gyms, clubs and sports facilities are back after the corona-related closure. Instagram is bursting with interesting, moving and bizarre stories about the sport comeback. shows how the sports world celebrates the restart.

This is how the sports world celebrates the restart.

There are almost a million posts on Instagram for the #restart hashtag alone. Many of them come from the world of sports: Gyms and clubs that reopen celebrate the #restart as well as athletes who can finally let off steam again. shows how the Instagram community celebrates the new beginning.

The ISPO Re.Start Days - a digital live conference for the sports and outdoor industry, on June 30 and July 1, 2020, offer orientation and growth strategies for the time after the lockdown.

In times of curfew and closed gyms, many members have been creative and turned their homes into temporary gyms. Cleverfit Bamberg sums this up in a nice Best of video - and points out the gym restart in Bavaria on June 8.

Even in Italy, which was particularly hard hit by the corona virus, sports facilities are reopening: Aqua fitness courses are now being offered again at the Nomentano Wellnes Club:

While the German Bundesliga is back in action, Italian football leagues are scheduled to start playing again in June. Sergio Contessa is playing for the third division team US Catanzaro and can hardly wait.

In Switzerland, too, there is joy among clubs: At Chur Floorball the team training for kids and adults can take place in the usual manner again:

The Korean German Sports Institute is a Taekwondo club in Munich. Everything is ready for the restart here as well:

The period of closed gyms has not been a good time for fitness influencers: Michael Tuchan, for example, last posted from the gym in February. No wonder he headed directly to the gym on the first day of the restart in Bavaria:

Other jobs that are not directly related to sporting activity are also reliant to the sports restart: Like this tennis photographer, who can resume work at the German Tennis Federation with the return of the tennis season at the German Pro Series from June 10th:

Further fitness offers celebrate their restart:

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