
The OutDoor by ISPO Launch Conference in our ticker to re-read

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Read all about the OutDoor by ISPO Launch Conference here. From 2019 on the OutDoor will take place in Munich. Here the editorial staff of ISPO.com tickers live. EOG and Messe München will present the concept for OutDoor by ISPO at this kick-off event. That much we can tell you: OutDoor by ISPO is more than a four-day fair!

Messe München CEO Klaus Dittrich speaks at the Outdoor by ISPO Launch Conference
OutDoor by ISPO will take place from 30 June to 3 July 2019

Here in the ticker you can find out everything about the presentation of the new trend-setting concept for the OutDoor by ISPO in Munich. The European Outdoor Group and Messe München open a new outdoor chapter.

+++ OutDoor by ISPO launch conference has ended +++

This was the ISPO.com Ticker from the OutDoor by ISPO Launch conference. Goodbye and let's keep in touch! You can apply now as an exhibitor at OutDoor by ISPO here.

+++ Audience now heads to Basecamp of Inspiration +++

The round table discussion closes with the open question what the speakers will do differently in the future. "We first have to dream" and "we have to share experiences" is what the speakers emphasize on.

The audience is right now heading to the Basecamp of inspiration. And the conference closes with the motivating sentence: "Let's shape the future of outdoor together!"

OutDoor by ISPO: The launch conference in pictures

+++ Experiences matter +++

A video shows a survey about what people would do with 1000 Euros. The encouraging message for the industry: People are interested in traveling and exploring. Experiences matter and this is important for the outdoor industry.

As Christian Langer states, even biking to the next forest or climbing on a nearby mountain is an outdoor experience.

Reiner Gerstner stresses that we have to look at the cities as well, this is also where the outdoor action is happening. "We should make the action happen where the people are and not ask them to go somewhere else"

+++ Let's talk about innovation +++

Christian Langer says, that for him a softer entrance to a more active life becomes more and more important. Also a playful way is needed. "It is not all the time about ice axes!"

Nina Eichinger now switches to the topic of innovation, which is also one of the most important to talk about for the success of the outdoor sector.

Caspar Copetti is very blunt on that topic. He says that he is kind of bored because he saw nothing new in the past ten years. He encourages the industry to be more bold and to change the way of thinking and that is what he thinks he did with On.

"The outdoor industry needs to learn from other industries" says Reiner Gerstner. The problem in his opinion: "The outdoor industry does not dream big enough"

+++ Gerstner: A need to combine sports with virtual world +++

Nina Eichinger asks how we can prevent that more and more people get more and more passive. How can people be attracted to be more active?

Reiner Gerstner stresses on the fact that there is a need to combine sports with the virtual world to motivate new audiences.

Frank Quiring supports that. "Digital in the way of living outdoor, of sharing things, that is a soft entrance" to a more active way of life.

+++ Survey: Attracting youth for outdoor is biggest challenge +++

More than one third of the audience answered "To attract and excite the youth for outdoor" is the greatest challenge!

+++ Round table discussion begins +++

Now in the round table discussion Reiner Gerstner, TQ Group; Claes Broqvist, Oberalp Group, Caspar Copetti, On Running, Christian Langer, Gore and Frank Quiring, rheingold are talking about those challenges for the outdoor industry.

From left to right: Claes Broqvist (Oberalp), Caspar Copetti (On Running), Reiner Gerstner (TQ), Christian Langer (Gore), Frank Quiring (rheingold) and host Nina Eichinger
From left to right: Claes Broqvist (Oberalp), Caspar Copetti (On Running), Reiner Gerstner (TQ), Christian Langer (Gore), Frank Quiring (rheingold) and host Nina Eichinger

+++ Survey for the audience +++

Now Nina Eichinger is back on stage. She advices the audience to grab their cell phone, go to a special url and take part in a survey.

The question is: As a sector we are challenged a lot right now. What do you think is our biggest challenge?

1. To integrate megatrends and current needs profoundly.
2. To attract and excite the youth for outdoor.
3. To win back the consumer’s time and budget for outdoor activities.
4. To redefine our tasks and roles as brands, retailers and consumer.
5. To expand the outdoor industry and win new consumers.

+++ Renowned Advisory Board prepares OutDoor by ISPO +++

At last Hefter closes with the hint that a renowned advisory board is consulting for OutDoor by ISPO: "The council includes as many countries, brands, retailers and industry federations to make it as representative as possible."

+++ OutDays all across Munich +++

Even more important to all customers and outdoor fans are the
OutDays. The events take the OutDoor by ISPO to the city of Munich.

The OutDays will be like a series of festivals presenting outdoor activities across the entire city.

Markus Hefter, Exhibition Group Director OutDoor by ISPO, presents the important dates for OutDoor by ISPO 2019
Markus Hefter, Exhibition Group Director OutDoor by ISPO, presents the important dates for OutDoor by ISPO 2019

+++ Application for exhibitors already open +++

Mr. Hefter also presents the participation fees for 2019. For those exhibitors who are attending more than one of the shows, ISPO is currently developing benefit packages. The application form is already online and can be found here.

+++ Hefter explains segments of OutDoor by ISPO +++

And then to even more open up the outdoor perspective, OutDoor by ISPO integrates a cross industry approach "for example in environmental technologies, printed and organic electronics, transport and logistics just to name a few."

Afterwards, Hefter shows the location of OutDoor by ISPO to the audience: "The different Segments at the Show will be reinforced with theme oriented Focus & Activation Areas like Shoe Testing Area & different Running Courses, Urban Outdoor Lab and a Climbing & Safety Area."

+++ Markus Hefter explains OutDoor+ with new segments +++

Hefter shows that OutDoor by ISPO conceives outdoor with a wider perspective. There is the Core OutDoor. This is what we all would understand when we talk about outdoor, but Hefter opens the door to what he calls OutDoor+. These are segments that are close by: Watersports or Mountainbiking and adventure tourism for instance.

+++ The framework to the OutDoor concept +++

Gröber tells that ISPO has developed a framework for the Outdoor concept

1. There is a need to open the outdoor Industry to new  alliances.

2. the outdoor sector needs to become thought leaders, but this works only together.

3. Think and act through human-centric experiences: Experiences are always more important than any product details.

4. There is a whole world out there: This means that there is only one consumer budget, but there is the believe that a growth potential everywhere.

Gröber closes his speech with the important mission statement: "Ever new horizons".

Then Gröber gives the mic to Markus Hefter, Exhibition Group Director OutDoor by ISPO.

+++ Tobias Gröber, Head of ISPO Group, on stage +++

+++ Tobias Gröber: "Outdoor is a mindset" +++

After this explanations about the new venue and about the starting point of OutDoor by ISPO, it is up to Tobias Gröber, Head of ISPO Group, to show the new concept to the audience. He starts with the claim "ever new horizons". "Outdoor is a mindset", he emphasizes.

+++ Mark Held: Looking for a new understanding of OutDoor +++

And this is what Held emphasizes on the new location: "So, let’s be clear about this – we did not ask for a new location." Instead EOG was looking for a platform and finally "a new concept for a new understanding of OutDoor."

+++ Held explains steps to Vision 2020 +++

After explaining the challenges, Held shows that the EOG has made intense research.

They talked to key stakeholders from the outdoor sector. All with the aim to gain more insights about the outdoor market and how a consumer centric perspective on the outdoor can be realized.

Held says, that this was the basis on which they developed the Vision 2020.

+++ Mark Held, General Secretary of EOG, on stage +++

Mark Held, General Secretary of EOG, with Markus Hefter (Director Outdoor by ISPO) and Tobias Gröber (Head of ISPO Group)
Mark Held, General Secretary of EOG, with Markus Hefter (Director Outdoor by ISPO) and Tobias Gröber (Head of ISPO Group)

++++ Mark Held explains challenges for the outdoor industry +++

Now Mark Held is talking to the audience, the General Secretary of the European Outdoor Group.

In the center of his introductory words stands the statement that there is no 
such thing as a status quo."

He also emphasizes on the problems the outdoor sector is facing

- less interest from the younger generation

- the lines between outdoor / lifestyle and fashion have blurred

- The outdoor market has matured and growth has slowed down

- Mainstream media awareness for the outdoor sector is marginal

- New routes to market have disturbed traditional relationships

- Every single area that competes for the consumers discretionary spend, is competing with our sector

+++ OutDoor by ISPO is a living process +++

Nina Eichinger asks Dittrich that the platform OutDoor by ISPO is rather a living process than a set concept. Dittrich agrees: "It’s important to us that OutDoor as an inclusive mindset is continuously shapeable, accessible and desirable for the whole industry and consumer."

+++ Messe München CEO Klaus Dittrich is speaking +++

The Chairman and CEO of Messe München Klaus Dittrich welcomes around 250 guests.

"Together, we want to create a new awareness of outdoor," says Dittrich. "We need to meet the customers where they already are today – online or in urban centres", explains the Messe München CEO

+++ The Launch Conference starts now! +++

The OutDoor by ISPO Launch Conference starts! Nina Eichinger is the host.

+++ OutDoor by ISPO 2019 from 30 Junde to 3 July +++

Before the launch conference starts, here are the dates for the next three trade fairs OutDoor by ISPO:

30 June to 3 July 2019
28 June to 1 July 2020
20 June to 23 June 2021