
US Study: One Hour of Jogging Prolongs Life by Seven Hours

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People who jog regularly live longer and more healthily – at first, it doesn’t sound that surprising. However, scientists at the Cooper Institute in Dallas have now published exciting data that shows that jogging increases life expectancy like no other sport. The US researchers thereby provide outstanding arguments for the sporting goods industry to invest in the running business.

People who jog regularly aren’t just preventing several diseases, they can also hope for a longer life.
People who jog regularly aren’t just preventing several diseases, they can also hope for a longer life.

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For the study “Running as a Key Lifestyle Medicine for Longevity,” Dr. Lee and his colleagues drew on a three-year-old study, gathered numerous other data, and confirmed the findings thus far.

Some results of the study:

  • Generally, runners have a 25 to 40 percent lower risk of a premature death.
  • Runners who take to the street about two hours per week live an average of three years longer than non-runners.
  • Jogging prolongs life – and by significantly more than it requires, at that.
  • Viewed statistically, one hour of jogging extends one’s life expectancy by seven hours.

Nevertheless, you naturally couldn’t increase your life expectancy indefinitely by running, emphasizes Dr. Lee. The additional time to live is capped at about three years, regardless of how much you run.

Running is better than other sports

According to the study by the Cooper Institute, jogging actually has the best effect compared to other sports like walking or cycling. The reason why is unclear, says Dr. Lee.

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