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09:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 09:25 - 09:45
Lecture with:
- Christian VoigtSVP Corporate Partnerships, Seattle Mariners
- Andreas UllmannManaging Director, The Sports People
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
11:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 11:45 - 12:25
Discussion with:
- Carsten SchmidtSports & Media Advisor
- Dr. jur. Jochen LöschOwner & CEO, JL Sports Investment
- Johannes RuppertInvestment Principal, Bolt Family Office
- Lukas SeilerCEO, FullCourt Sports & Media
- Michael MeeskeCEO, VfL Wolfsburg
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
12:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 12:25 - 12:50
Discussion with:
- Maximilian MadejaCEO, SLC Management
- Prof. Dr. Andreas FürstStrategic marketing, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Carsten CramerCEO, Borussia Dortmund
- Christian FalkHead of soccer, BILD-Gruppe
- Rouven KasperChief Marketing & Sales Officer, VfB Stuttgart
- Stefan MennerichDirector Media & Communications, FC Bayern München
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
Monday, 12/02/24 - 12:50 - 13:20
Discussion with:
- Carsten SchmidtSports & Media Advisor
- Jörg WackerAdvisor - Consultant - Investor & former Board Member, FC Bayern Munich & Managing Director, Jowacius
- Dr. Alexander SteinforthCEO, NFL Deutschland
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
14:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 14:15 - 14:40
Lecture with:
- Moritz FürsteFounder, HYROX, Former German Olympic Hockey Champion
- Arne FreundtCEO, PUMA
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
15:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 15:10 - 15:45
Lecture with:
- Britta Ernst, Brandenburg
- Florian MaußerChairman of the Youth Committee, Special Olympics Deutschland
- Louis KleemeyerDeputy Chairman of the Youth Committee, Special Olympics Deutschland
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
16:00Monday, 12/02/24
Monday, 12/02/24 - 16:20 - 16:40
Discussion with:
- Hans GabbeSenior Vice President Sports Rights & Commercialization, Sky Deutschland
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
10:00Tuesday, 12/03/24
Tuesday, 12/03/24 - 10:30 - 11:00
Discussion with:
- Dr. Holger BlaskCEO, DFB
- Claudia WagnerCEO, Deutsche Sport Marketing
- Inka Müller-SchmähCEO, Vereinigung Sportsponsoring-Anbieter (VSA)
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
09:00Wednesday, 12/04/24
Wednesday, 12/04/24 - 09:30 - 10:00
Keynote with:
- Prof. Dr. Karsten KöhlerProfessor for Exercise, Nutrition and Health, TU Munich
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
11:00Wednesday, 12/04/24
Wednesday, 12/04/24 - 11:45 - 12:15
Keynote with:
- Prof. Dr. Billy SperlichHead of Institute for Sports Science, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
- Prof. Dr. Christoph ZinnerHead of Institute of Sports, Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
13:00Wednesday, 12/04/24
Wednesday, 12/04/24 - 13:00 - 13:30
Lecture with:
- Alexander WillManaging Director IMPROVR, IMPROVR
- Hans HauskaManaging Director Bavarian Tennis Association (BTV) Marketing
- Mischa ZverevFormer professional tennis player, Sasha Zverev management, Former professional tennis player, Sasha Zverev management
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
Wednesday, 12/04/24 - 13:45 - 14:15
Keynote with:
- Prof. Dr. Peter DükingDeputy Head of sport science and movement pedagogy, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b
15:00Wednesday, 12/04/24
Wednesday, 12/04/24 - 15:45 - 16:15
Keynote with:
- Prof. Dr. Jana StrahlerHead of Sports Psychology, Uni Freiburg
Event location:
- ISPO Munich 2024Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Room 14b