Sports Business/03/09/2018

Bogner restructures Board of Management

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Following the appointment of a new CEO and the restructuring of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board of the Bogner sports fashion brand will be changed again. Christian Ender and Jon Jarlgaard leave the company.

Bogner Store
Bogner Store

Bogner was said to have split up by mutual agreement. Ender and Jarlgaard had made a significant contribution to the positive business development. Ender was responsible for sales and licensing.

Here, the company is planning to change and fill the position of Chief Sales Officer somewhat. Jarlgaard was responsible for product development, purchasing and procurement. Bogner no longer wants to fill these areas at board level. However, no further details are known.

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Changes in the Supervisory Board and new CEO

Only in November CEO Alexander Wirth had to take his hat off and was replaced by Andreas Baumgärtner. Wirth had only managed the company for one year. Baumgärtner moved from the position of Chief Design and Marketing Officer to Chief Executive Officer. 

Further changes were made in January: Wolfgang Reitzle (already Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Linde) took over the same position at the sports fashion brand. Reitzle replaced Jürgen Weber, who had been chairman of the supervisory board for many years, and Herbert Henzler also left the board.