
Successful European Outdoor Summit 2017 in Treviso

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The European Outdoor Summit 2017 has successfully come to a close. More than 270 attendees assembled in Treviso at the beginning of October for the fifth edition of the convention. The next summit will take place in Malmö in 2018.

EOS 2017 in Treviso
The EOS 2018 in Malmö, Sweden

EOG General Secretary Held praises speakers

The focus of the 2017 meeting was on consumers and their view of the outdoor industry and its products. For example, communications and brand advisor Kate Bosomworth showed how participation in campaigns by specific target groups can be increased. Bosomworth showed impressive case examples and studies from her successful #ThisGirlCan campaign.

“The speakers have all done a great job for all the delegates to be able to take away a lot of expertise,” said Mark Held, General Secretary of the European Outdoor Group (EOG). The attendees can use this knowledge to positively change their own business but also the outdoor industry as a whole.

European Outdoor Summit 2018 in Sweden

Held’s speech received positive feedback from attendees, sponsors and speakers. “We’re really looking forward to building on this success next year in Malmö,” said the EOG General Secretary. The EOG will soon be announcing when exactly the European Outdoor Summit 2018 will take place, and other details surrounding it.

The European Outdoor Summit is hosted by the EOG annually. ISPO is one of the main sponsors of the event. Several hundred attendees from the outdoor industry assemble here in order to network, listen to presentations and take part in workshops.