ISPO Textrends/08/26/2020

ISPO Textrends Preview: In Sync Towards a Brighter Future

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The application for ISPO Textrends 2021 Fall/Winter is now open: guided by the seasonal Megatrends, color palettes, and textile trends unique to ISPO Textrends – as we move in sync in creating a brighter, cleaner and efficient future. 

ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2021: In Sync for the ride to the other side
ISPO Textrends Fall/Winter 2021: In Sync for the ride to the other side

No one could have forecast the chaos and change that the population globally had to adhere to. Lockdowns, self-isolation, Zoom, working from home, PPE, all became words synonymous with COVID-19. No one was exempt, as this pandemic swept through the world we knew and created a new level of disruption and chaos that no one could have forecast.

Only in January at ISPO Munich, the ISPO Textrends Hub was highlighting the ‘disruption trend’ that had emerged through the increased use of digitalization, little knowing that the term ‘disruption’ was going onto a whole new level the very next month.

Trends Fall/Winter 2022/23 - DISRUPTION
Image credit:
ISPO Textrends

So How Do We Move Forward?

What do we have to take into account and what have we learned from this unprecedented event. As Albert Einstein famously said: "In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity". The disruption and ongoing hardship that has been a result of the pandemic has given us the opportunity to address where we were going wrong. The speed and instant reaction to COVID-19 proved that we, as a global population, can adapt quickly, a factor that definitely translates into the multifunctional aspects of materials destined for the season.

For many industries, COVID-19 has acted as a wakeup call to the ongoing environmental damage and climate change, with the textile industry once again coming under scrutiny for being one of the biggest offenders. The latter has been true, but what should be noted that this new march on sustainability, as we all know, has been a key development in the textile sector season after season.

When ISPO Textrends launched nine years ago, there was an Eco category. Today there is no standalone category, but the cross category "Accelerated Eco" as sustainability features across all the sectors with less, waster, reduced water usage and energy, recycling, full circle, reduced processes, the list goes one. So, whilst we have established a strong foundation in sustainability pre-pandemic, we have to progress further, with the ISPO Textrends jury awarding and additional exceptional eco status to products they feel are taking the core sustainability in a progressive move forward.

Time for Reevaluation, Recalibration and a Reboot

In defining the trends for Fall/Winter 22/23 in materials and ingredients, we looked to forecasting the consumers psyche in understanding what they will be requesting as well as what is available from manufacturers. What is key following the COVID-19 is that consumers have shown a resourceful way of adapting, as well as being able to disengage from their traditional routines, consumers have had the opportunity to reassess their lives and fix a future that they want.

One good aspect is that health and fitness played a positive role in lockdown, with brands streaming classes to a cross-generation of new consumers. This is also highlighted in the trends. Many sport and outdoor brands traditionally set their targets on Generation Y and Z, don't forget Gen X (silver surfers, as the 'silent generation' as they are often overlooked). This generation is alive and kicking and has more disposable income to part with and is still inclined to be won over with good design and quality performance. 

Reevaluating lifestyles has also led to a focus on wastefulness, it wasn’t too long ago that the phrase ‘time is the new currency’, we were all so busy, hyperconnected, getting that work-life balance seemed a pipe dream. But now, not so, there’s a change where consumers also want to embrace more outdoor activities. Through lifesaving Zoom and other digital meeting platforms, it is clear to many employers and employees, working from home (WFH), will for many, be a part of the new norm, freeing up time once spent on commuting, and enabling a healthier lifestyle.

Disruption Breeds Innovation

ISPO Textrends’ trend information for Fall/Winter 22/23 embraces the changes the industry and also the consumer will face. It highlights how we all adapted quickly, and how we will move forward in recovery. For the season three megatrends have been defined, to acknowledge the change that is going to come.

  • Influencing cross-industries, this season we lead with the Megatrend Fair Play, as we see more transparency featuring throughout the textile chain
  • Secondly Game On, where we look at efficiency, from resources through to final design. 
  • Finally, Destiny, which embraces the continuing importance of digitalization and the different business models emerging from cloud chain technology through to revised retail strategies and experiences, change is on the horizon.

Color will play a crucial part in moving forward for Fall/Winter 22/23, consisting of the traditional core palette, complemented by four satellite color palettes that allow for interchangeable and unique color combinations from each brand.

The traditional five textile trends follow suit, highlighting the key ingredients and developments.

Material manufacturers can now apply for ISPO Textrends 2021, and in line with the trend information we are expecting to see a great selection of fabrics, trims, insulation, soft equipment and much more, all the latest key ingredients that will make the best product ranges.


In Sync for the Ride to the Other Side

There is no doubt about it, we will never return to the norm, the ‘new norm’ is something to be embraced, to work together in sync. Pre-pandemic racks were already beginning to show, not just environmental issues but business platforms, manufacturing, sourcing, distribution, over-consumption, waste and a malaise occurring at retail too. It is now clear, we couldn’t continue as we were, so now, we adapt and move forward.

So, with the past six months in mind, let’s work together and get this ‘new norm’ right on-trend. We have the ingredients, we have the creativity, and we have the hunger for the new. So now is the time to break traditional habits and create an exciting future we can all be proud of.

Order your digital Trendbook now! - ISPO TEXTRENDS FALL/WINTER 2022/23
Discover more than 240 textile products as well as the complete trend information and color palettes for Fall/Winter 2022/23 and Spring/Summer 2023.

The digital Trendbook features:
✓ More than 240 of the most innovative materials selected by the jury ✓ All products with clickable contacts and company details
✓ 3 Mega Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ 5 Textile Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ General Color Chart for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ Preview on Textile Trends for Spring/Summer 2023 and color cards
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