ISPO Textrends/07/26/2018

A Unique Platform for the Latest Developments in the textile sector

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The next edition of ISPO Munich from February 3-6 2019 will once again house the leading textile innovations in the ever popular ISPO Textrends forum. The previous five sessions have highlighted the importance to brand developers and product designers of being able to easily access new products and innovations that define the season, as it grows exponentially, with participants understanding the importance of the platform as a springboard for visitors to be exposed to their latest developments

Easy access to highlights of the season at ISPO Textrends.

The application is now open to companies looking to participate for Fall/Winter 2020/21, with expectations high on the season’s offering. The process involves completing the application form and submitting the designated products. Ten different sectors feature, including base and second layer, to membrane and coatings, insulation, trims and accessories.

A Unique Process and Opportunity

Once the application is closed in October, all products will be judged by an international jury of textile experts from all aspects of the market in November 2018. The selected products will be awarded Best Product, Top 10 and Selection for each sector, with all awarded a place within the ISPO Textrends forum plus the additional benefit of marketing.

Order your digital Trendbook now! - ISPO TEXTRENDS FALL/WINTER 2022/23
Discover more than 240 textile products as well as the complete trend information and color palettes for Fall/Winter 2022/23 and Spring/Summer 2023.

The digital Trendbook features:
✓ More than 240 of the most innovative materials selected by the jury ✓ All products with clickable contacts and company details
✓ 3 Mega Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ 5 Textile Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ General Color Chart for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ Preview on Textile Trends for Spring/Summer 2023 and color cards

ISPO Textrends Trend Book

As well as featuring in the forum at ISPO Munich and ISPO Beijing, awardees at ISPO Textrends are automatically included into the seasonal Trend Book with photos of the winning products combined with direct contact info and full descriptions. The seasonal trend book has proven to be an essential sourcing tool, with the contents of ISPO Textrends available at your fingertips 365 days a year.

Order your digital Trendbook now! - ISPO TEXTRENDS FALL/WINTER 2022/23
Discover more than 240 textile products as well as the complete trend information and color palettes for Fall/Winter 2022/23 and Spring/Summer 2023.

The digital Trendbook features:
✓ More than 240 of the most innovative materials selected by the jury ✓ All products with clickable contacts and company details
✓ 3 Mega Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ 5 Textile Trends for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ General Color Chart for Fall/Winter 2022/23
✓ Preview on Textile Trends for Spring/Summer 2023 and color cards

Two New Sectors

With the popularity of ISPO Textrends continuing to grow from participants as well as increased visitors year on year at the forum, two new areas have been highlighted for the Fall/Winter 20/21 edition. Performance Finishes has been developed to highlight the development in this sector from chemical finishing companies. More brands are looking to using layering technology in their fabrics, and though the latest scientific developments many functional factors can be added to a fabric through finishing.

Touch is key in conveying a fabric, the ISPO Textrends forum allows buyers to start their sourcing. 
Image credit:
Messe München GmbH

Natural Generation has been incorporated due to the growing demand for natural fabrics with performance. With sustainability becoming mainstream across the entire textile chain, the natural tendency is focused on the benefits that natural fibers can bring to the sports and outdoors markets. Applications to this new sector must have a minimum of 80 per cent natural ingredients as the proprietary fiber.