
In the world of outdoor gear, innovation often lies at the intersection of technical prowess, user comfort, and unique design. Naglev offers a new take on innovation with the introduction of its new outdoor shoe, the Veloce. It seamlessly blends the technical excellence of protective materials like Kevlar with the comfort of natural components.
At the heart of Veloce's innovation lies a unique fusion of Kevlar fabric and natural materials. Naglev uses Kevlar® by Dupont for its performance in terms of strength and durability. With it, a light high-tech armor for the foot was created, protecting it and ensuring its safety. Being surrounded by kevlar, the EVA midsole is protected from abrasion, its physical properties are extended, and the dynamic propulsion is increased. This not only protects the midsole from abrasion but also extends its physical properties, resulting in improved dynamic propulsion and lightness.

Dynamic activities often place stress on the feet. The design of the Veloce not only ensures an extraordinary level of support but also distributes forces and tensions across the entire shoe. Its organic exoskeleton is meticulously crafted through seamless stitching to embrace the Kevlar fabric of the upper and the midsole. A sleek toe cap also provides additional protection when hiking or running in mountain terrain.
The Naglev Veloce offers enhanced stability, reduced fatigue, and the freedom to tackle rugged terrain with confidence. So overall, it gives outdoor enthusiasts great performance on various terrains. Sleek, minimalist design, shows the brand’s commitment to combine both form and function and make the shoe an eye-catcher, even in the urban outdoors.

What makes VELOCE also compelling, is its alignment with Naglev’s brand philosophy. The brand has long been at the forefront of combining technical materials like Kevlar for foot protection with natural materials for foot comfort. This latest offering represents a significant leap forward in Kevlar's utilization in outdoor footwear, bringing an exceptional blend of protection and comfort.
Whether you're hiking, trekking, or simply exploring the great outdoors, the VELOCE is a worthy companion that will help you conquer new horizons in style and comfort. It comes in sizes 41 to 46.5 and caters to outdoor, trail, and urban activities.
- innovative use of Kevlar and natural components, for performance and comfort
- kevlar integrated around the EVA midsole for better propulsion and durability
- minimalist design for both the urban and the outdoors
- seamlessly stitched exoskeleton for better support
- perfect blend of comfort and protection
Product Specs:
- Sizes: 41 - 46.5
- Color: Black
- RRP: $ 220
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