
Salomon: “How to Trail Run 2018”

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Salomon considers itself to be a global ambassador for the sport of trail running. In workshops and with a broad media campaign, Salomon is making trail running come alive for many runners.

Salomon vermittelt den Trailrunning-Spaß in zahlreichen Workshops vor Eurer Haustür.
Salomon teaches trail running fun in numerous workshops on your doorstep.

As the undisputed market leader in trail running, Salomon takes its responsibility in this role seriously. Salomon has spent a lot of time and resources over the past few seasons to help the sport of trail running grow beyond its core group.


Trailrunning with Salomon in pictures

This is being achieved through trail running workshops supervised by brand ambassadors, the associated online video series “How to Trail Run,” exciting films on Salomon TV, and trust in a team made up of world-class athletes. Runners all over the world are meant to be inspired to run off-road.

Learning by Doing: Experten geben den Workshopteilnehmern wertvolle Tipps rund ums Thema Trailrunning. Die neuesten Salomon Trailrunning-Schuhe können zudem gleich mit getestet werden.
Learning by Doing: Experts give workshop participants valuable tips on the topic of trail running. The latest Salomon Trailrunning shoes can also be tested at the same time.
Image credit:
Salomon / Benjamin Sperl

Salomon seeing to new pleasure in trail running

In addition to the highlights of the once again extended 2018 Trail Running collection, Salomon is pushing the topic massively over multiple channels. The claim “Make any terrain your playground” in neon colors is already appearing on the company’s website.

A trailer video campaign, expert tips, and “How to Trail Run” workshops are making for the “new pleasure in trail running” and capturing the imaginations of both trail running enthusiasts and those who want to become one.

In trail running, everyone sets their own limits.
With trail running, everyone sets their own limits.
Image credit:
Solomon / Benjamin Sperl

In the workshops, runners will get to experience the Salomon label and its latest collection up close. “Apropos of nothing,” Salomon brand ambassadors and the stars of the scene will be present – an absolute event highlight. Tips from professionals – priceless!

In an interview, Silvia Felt, Sports Marketing Manager at Salomon /Suunto Amer Sports Deutschland GmbH, explains how Salomon is implementing cooperation with athletes into its product development.

Schöne Trails findet man nicht nur im Gebirge. Viele liegen gleich vor deiner Haustüre.
Beautiful trails are not only found in the mountains. Many are just outside your door.
Image credit:
Salomon / Benjamin Sperl

An interview with Silvia Felt In the past year, you have organized over 170 trail running workshops. What benefits are you taking from this major engagement?
Silvia Felt
: We’ve able to get several new clients, or as we like to call them, “friends of Salomon.” This has grown our community significantly. For one, several runners have become trail runners who are now increasingly buying our products. And on the other hand, we were able to get several trail runners into our shoes through the option of product tests. This is because we’ve been able to convince them of the fit and comfort at the place of practice, so that they bough Salomon shoes immediately after the workshops.

A personal product test says more than many an advertising campaign – are you able to confirm this hypothesis within the framework of your workshops?
Yes, we’ve been able to win several new customers over with our products. They often even report about their convincing test experience during the workshops when buying shoes the next day.

In most minds, trail running takes place in the alpine countryside. How do you get the message out to people that trail running works just outside their front door?
During the workshops, we show them the nature in their neighborhood and explore “new trails” together with them in the truest sense of the word. Suddenly, the weekly 8 kilometer trip through the adjacent city park becomes a journey of discovery off the beaten track, which may require a little more attention but also becomes much more exciting and attractive. Naturally, the right choice of shoes is very important. We can help with our tips and test options in exactly the right place.

Der neue Salomon Sense Ultra Pro (abgebildet in der Farbe Cherry Tomato)
The new Salomon Sense Ultra Pro (shown in Cherry Tomato)
Image credit:

Always up to date with social media and Salomon newsletter

And how do you distinguish yourself from the forest run and the exercise trail?
We move almost exclusively in the forest and also cross many forest paths, but nevertheless we look for the new paths and try to avoid the wide, secured forest paths. That’s why our trails also require a little more mental work and concentration on the trail, which clearly sets them apart from the exercise trail. That, and the fact that trail running mainly takes place in groups.

How do you keep workshop participants on the ball after the event?
Most of the participants are in contact with us via social media, so we can keep them very well informed about events. Similarly popular regarding product news etc.  are our updates via newsletter. Here, too, we have a very good link to the participants.

Silvia Felt
Silvia Felt
Image credit:

Salomon offers various opportunities to experience the label up close. For example, you can get in touch with trail running up close by registering for one of the workshop dates. Last year alone there were a total of 173 workshops throughout Germany, with an impressive number of nearly 3,000 participants. This “How to Trail Run” program continues this year, too: Four workshops with 22 spots each are waiting for trail running fans.

The workshop program includes technical training and introductions for equipment clients. Trail running shoes, backpacks, and running belts can also be tested.

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