The name says it all: The positioning package is designed to position your brand in a relevant topic environment and build a positive brand image.
The package always includes a "Presented by" module on (permanent curation of an existing article), and the sponsorship of a suitable topic page also increases your brand awareness. In the Medium and Large packages, you extend your presence to ISPO Munich - where you also have a booth in the Brand Lounge, a topic-specific speaking slot or sponsorship/presentation of a key topic as well as sponsorship of a topic-specific stage, an award or topic hub.

All positioning packages include a presence on the digital platform, consisting of
- "Presented by" module: permanent curation of an existing, thematically appropriate article
- Theme page sponsoring: In addition, a "presented by" space is also available to you on a suitable theme page. You can place your logo, a text and a link to your website on both.

The M-size positioning package gives you the opportunity to exclusively present one of the main topics or one of the speaking slots .

The M-size positioning package also includes a fully furnished booth (30 sqm) in a themed hub environment - an ideal place to present your brand in the right setting.