360° packages

Our packages

The 360° packages combine online and offline presence in the ISPO network - tailored to your goals and your target group. These needs-oriented packages are optionally optimized for leads, media reach or positioning and offer both digital reach without wastage and an on-site presence at ISPO Munich.

Depending on the duration and scope of the communication measures, each package is available in three sizes: small, medium and large. In this way, we reduce complexity and achieve maximum efficiency - and can still offer customized solutions for your individual needs.

Leads, media reach or positioning

  • Leads Package
    from € 15,000

    The leads package is fully geared towards collecting high-quality contacts in the sports industry and offers you an entire go-to-market strategy in one package. Your solutions and offers are presented where your future customers are at home. You can use all the contacts you make directly.

  • Media Reach Package
    from € 9,000

    The Media Reach Package is fully designed for maximum reach in the sports industry. In this package, your brand story is told editorially on ISPO.com, staged on stage and your brand lounge is a highlight for decision-makers and the media at the trade show. Online and offline, you will be at all the attention-grabbing touchpoints of the sports world.

  • Positioning Package
    from € 9,000

    The positioning package is designed to position your brand in a relevant topic environment and build a positive brand image. Matching high-performance articles on ISPO.com will be curated by you throughout the year and entire topics will be told or presented by you at the most important industry event.