
The Most Important ISPO Dates for 2019/20

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Together with manufacturers, dealers and industry representatives, the world's largest sports business platform ISPO set the trends and topics for the sports business at ISPO Munich for this year. But this was only the beginning of a whole series of exciting events up to the anniversary edition - the ISPO Munich 2020.

Nach der ISPO Munich ist vor den nächsten ISPO-Events!
After ISPO Munich the next ISPO-Events will come up!

As a sports business platform, ISPO is the contact point for the sports industry year-round. The next big event is scheduled for summer 2019:

OutDoor by ISPO from 30th of June to 3rd of July 2019

OutDoor by ISPO will celebrate its premiere at Messe München from the 30th of June to the 3rd of July 2019. Around 700 exhibitors have already confirmed their attendance at the trade fair. During the same period, OutDays will be organizing events similar to the ISPO Munich Sports Week in Munich to bring enthusiasm and outdoor spirit to the city.

ISPO Digitize: July 3rd and 4th, 2019

From the 3rd and 4th of July 2019, the industry will meet for the ISPO Digitize Summit. The format has established itself since its inaugural event last year. Here, the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of ideas on topics relating to digitalization and the sports industry will be even more in focus.

ISPO Digitize Summit 2020
Don't miss the annual event for the digitalization of the sports business! The ISPO Digitize Summit 2020 will take place in Munich on June 30, 2020.

ISPO Shanghai: 5th to 7th of July 2019

Just one day later, ISPO Shanghai will open its doors. Another Digitize Summit will take place here at the exhibition area.

ISPO Munich: 26th to 29th of January 2020

The new calendar year opens with a significant birthday. ISPO Munich celebrates its 50th anniversary. The sports fair opened its doors for the first time in Munich in 1970.

ISPO Beijing: 12th to 15th of February 2020

A few weeks after the ISPO Munich, ISPO Beijing will take place at the China International Exhibition Center.

Additionally, international events will take place throughout the year as part of the ISPO Academy.