
OutDoor by ISPO: A Strong Belief in the Trade Show Concept

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The launch of the new OutDoor by ISPO has been well received by industry and trade. In an ISPO.com series, important outdoor representatives explain how they like the concept and what they still expect until the premiere (30 June to 3 July 2019). Read here: Jonathan Petty, Marketing Director Osprey.

Jonathan Petty is Osprey's Marketing Director
Jonathan Petty is Osprey's Marketing Director

The European Outdoor Group (EOG) and ISPO have presented the concept for OutDoor by ISPO in Munich. After 25 years in Friedrichshafen, the OutDoor trade fair will take place for the first time in Munich from 30 June to 3 July 2019.

"We want a trade show where business and inspiration can come together in an exciting and fun-filled environment," says Jonathan Petty, Marketing Director Osprey, in our "3 Questions to" interview.

Business and inspiration should come together

ISPO.com: What do you hope to see from the new concept that ISPO has presented to the industry?
Jonathan Petty:
With the new concept in place, we hope this attracts a bigger audience who have a shared passion for the outdoors. We want a trade show where business and inspiration can come together in an exciting and fun-filled environment.

Osprey believes in trade show concept

Where does your brand see itself within this context, how do you plan on participating at the OutDoor by ISPO?
Osprey strongly believes in the trade show concept and will continue to support these events; attending OutDoor by ISPO in 2019 as an exhibitor. Having the space to showcase our collection to both current and prospective customers and journalists is paramount when in an environment filled with passionate industry leaders.

OutDoor by ISPO as a passionate community

Regarding the Plans of a 365-day platform – what do you think about this focus in the new OutDoor by ISPO concept?
We are a brand that communicates to our partners daily, we tell them no matter what the adventure you can enjoy the outdoors 365 days a year. Having a platform that reflects this will strengthen the future success of the industry as OutDoor by ISPO is more than a seasonal trade show, it is a community of passionate individuals willing to share their experiences.