
Europe's outdoor market performs well: 7.2 percent growth

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There is no longer any talk of stagnation or even decline in the outdoor market; on the contrary, the market is growing exceptionally well. In the State of Trade 2017, which the European Outdoor Group has now published, the total value of the outdoor market is put at 5.86 billion euros. This is an increase of 7.2 percent compared to the previous year. EOG President John Jansen speaks of a "very, very good development, better than expected."

Beeindruckende Zahlen: Die Bilanz der European Outdoor Group für 2017 kann sich sehen lassen: Der Outdoor-Markt kommt auf einen Wert von 5,8 Milliarden Euro.
The European Outdoor Group's results for 2017 are impressive: The outdoor market is worth 5.86 billion euros.

The EOG estimates total industry sales in 2017 at €12.3 billion, not including discounts and special promotions. The good results of the State of Trade 2017, based on data from 115 brands across Europe, contrast with the stagnant market of 2015 and modest growth (3 percent) in 2016.

"Our industry is now worth 5.86 billion euros. That's a huge number," said John Jansen at the EOG press conference in Friedrichshafen. "We ourselves were surprised at how good these figures are, how positive the development has been," said the head of the Association of Major European Outdoor Companies EOG, which has just extended the contract with Secretary General Mark Held by one year.

Jansen: "Of course, we have benefited from the weather. There was a good winter, but the summer also brought 5 percent growth. Overall, we can be very satisfied: We have further developed our industry."

EOG Präsident John Jansen (links, mit Ryan Gellert, General Manager Patagonia) präsentiert starke Zahlen für den Outdoor-Markt 2017.
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Outdoor market: biggest growth since 2010

Within 2 years, the total value of the European outdoor market has improved by 600 million euros. "This is the biggest growth within the industry since 2010, we are very proud of that," says EOG President John Jansen. "We have reached a very high level. We are very happy to be able to announce such numbers."

The footwear sector saw the largest increase at 13.4 percent. From the industry's point of view, it is also very pleasing that all segments recorded growth - only tents saw a decline in 2017, which was actually very significant at almost 10 percent. This was caused by the difficult weather in the previous year's spring, the crucial time for tent purchases, especially in the UK.

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Clothing in front, tents with minus

The segments at a glance:

  • Apparel: 2.94 billion euros (plus 5 %)
  • Footwear: 1.7 billion euros (plus 13.4 %)
  • Backpacks: 409 million euros (plus 5 %)
  • Accessories: 403 million euros (plus 6 %)
  • Tents: 152 million euros (down 9.8 %)
  • Climbing accessories: 135 million euros (up 6.7 %)
  • Sleeping bags: 118 million euros (up 9.7%)

"We are very encouraged by the results of the 2017 State of Trade, which show how successful our industry is," also says Pauline Shepherd, EOG Head of Market Research, who prepared the State of Trade Report.

Bekleidung vor Schuhen: So viele Einheiten in den verschiedenen Segmenten hat die Outdoor-Industrie 2017 an die Kundschaft gebracht.
Bekleidung vor Schuhen: So viele Einheiten in den verschiedenen Segmenten hat die Outdoor-Industrie 2017 an die Kundschaft gebracht.
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German outdoor market stable, UK growing, France losing ground

The three largest markets of the outdoor industry combined in the EOG are Germany, France and Great Britain - together they account for 2.95 billion euros and thus more than half of the total market volume.

  • Germany continues to lead the market, accounting for 37 percent of the total market, with growth of 3 percent - in line with the previous year. "This is a stable market," says Pauline Shephard.
  • In France, there is negative growth: minus 2 percent. "Then it recovered a bit in the summer. The expectations for 2018 are a further recovery," says Pauline Shephard.
  • In the UK, on the other hand, the market is growing at an above-average rate of 8 percent, with particularly strong growth in fall/winter (14 percent). Sales of The North Face, Columbia and the Fenix Group grew by double digits.
  • In Scandinavia, Norway is the market driver.
  • In Eastern Europe, Poland in particular recorded significant sales increases.

Outdoor auf der ISPO Munich 2018 in Bildern

Outdoor ist und bleibt auch auf der ISPO Munich 2018 ein Kernthema. Auf der weltgrößten Sport-Messe präsentieren die wichtigsten Marken in vier prominent platzierten Hallen Neuheiten für die kommende Saison.
Vor allem Sports Business Professionals finden im Outdoor-Segment zahlreiche interessante Optionen zum Netzwerken mit angenehmen Ambiente, etwa in dr rustikalen Lounge von ISPO Award Winner Vaude.
Natürlich auch dabei sind die Berg-Enthusiasten, wie hier Mountaineering Equipment ISPO Award Winner Camp mit seinem Skimo Total Race Steigeisen
Ob Bergsteigen, Klettern, Eisklettern, Bouldern, Trailrunning, Camping und Wassersport – Naturfreunde kommen im Outdoor-Segment auf ihre Kosten.
Blaue Oase im Outdoor-Bereich: Das Watersport Village mit einem eigens errichteten Pool für SUP, Kajaking, Paddeln oder wie hier Slacklinen.
Die Grünflächen direkt nebenan laden zudem zu einer kurzen Verschnaufpause ein.
Einige Aussteller errichteten gleich ganze Blockhütten in den Messehallen.
In Halle A4 steht der CSR Hub & Sustainability Kiosk, der neben einer klassischen Ausstellungsfläche der Vereinigungen „Brands for Good“ und „Greenroom Voice“ mit ihren nachhaltigen Brands auch weitere Informations- und Austauschmöglichkeiten bietet.
Outdoor ist und bleibt auch auf der ISPO Munich 2018 ein Kernthema. Auf der weltgrößten Sport-Messe präsentieren die wichtigsten Marken in vier prominent platzierten Hallen Neuheiten für die kommende Saison.
Vor allem Sports Business Professionals finden im Outdoor-Segment zahlreiche interessante Optionen zum Netzwerken mit angenehmen Ambiente, etwa in dr rustikalen Lounge von ISPO Award Winner Vaude.
Natürlich auch dabei sind die Berg-Enthusiasten, wie hier Mountaineering Equipment ISPO Award Winner Camp mit seinem Skimo Total Race Steigeisen
Ob Bergsteigen, Klettern, Eisklettern, Bouldern, Trailrunning, Camping und Wassersport – Naturfreunde kommen im Outdoor-Segment auf ihre Kosten.
Blaue Oase im Outdoor-Bereich: Das Watersport Village mit einem eigens errichteten Pool für SUP, Kajaking, Paddeln oder wie hier Slacklinen.
Die Grünflächen direkt nebenan laden zudem zu einer kurzen Verschnaufpause ein.
Einige Aussteller errichteten gleich ganze Blockhütten in den Messehallen.
In Halle A4 steht der CSR Hub & Sustainability Kiosk, der neben einer klassischen Ausstellungsfläche der Vereinigungen „Brands for Good“ und „Greenroom Voice“ mit ihren nachhaltigen Brands auch weitere Informations- und Austauschmöglichkeiten bietet.

Strong figures in fall/winter business

As for the seasonal distribution, Pauline Shepherd is pleased to sum up here as well: "Both seasons were good. The strong numbers are mainly based on the fall/winter business." After two weak winters in 2015 and 2016, business in winter 2017 increased by 8 percent, to a value of 3.2 billion euros. The comparable figure for spring/summer: 2.65 billion euros, with an increase of 6 percent.

The mood in the industry is correspondingly positive when looking at the picture of winter 2017/18: "73 percent say it's better than expected," explains Pauline Shephard, who, however, also identified a challenge for 2018 in the survey of brands: "The market is in a positive mood - but: the spring season wasn't quite as good because we had a very good winter and then went straight into summer. The spring business hardly took place."

Sustainability remains the top topic for outdoor

The industry will continue to focus on sustainability, as John Jansen made clear: "The companies that are successful now are exactly the ones that were laughed at 10 years ago because they did a lot with sustainability. But now they are the most successful. Because they have found their point of view, their brand essence. The industry has to lead by example. We have to give something back to nature. Without nature, there is no outdoor sport."

Outdoor by ISPO: Concept to be presented on 27.6.

The role classic trade shows play in attracting these target groups was also a topic at the EOG press conference in Friedrichshafen, which will host OutDoor for the last time in 2018 before it moves to Munich and continues as OutDoor by ISPO in 2019. "Trade shows play an important role for the outdoor industry, with 80 percent of our members wanting a trade show," Jansen said. "But there will also be changes in trade shows; we need to move forward."

The OutDoor by ISPO concept, which was chosen by the vast majority of EOG members after a pitch from a total of five applicants, will be presented in Munich on June 27.

Outdoor by ISPO: concept to be presented on 27 June

The role of traditional trade fairs in attracting these target groups was also discussed at the EOG press conference in Friedrichshafen, where OutDoor 2018 will be held for the last time before moving to Munich, and continued in 2019 as OutDoor by ISPO. “Trade fairs have an important function in the outdoor industry. 80 percent of our members want a trade fair,” said Jansen. “But trade fairs will change too, we have to move with the times.”

The concept for OutDoor by ISPO, which was chosen by a majority of EOG members after a pitch by five applicants, will be presented in Munich on 27 June.

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