Sports Business/02/14/2018

European platform for sport innovation with new members

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The European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) gained five new members at the beginning of the year. EPSI reported that this includes a wide variety of institutions - from start-ups to research institutes. Wearable Technologies is also involved.

VR auf dem Laufband: Innovation und Sport verschmelzen hier. Ziel des EPSI ist es, Innovationen in allen Bereichen des Sports auf EU-Ebene zu fördern. 
VR auf dem Laufband: Innovation und Sport verschmelzen hier. Ziel des EPSI ist es, Innovationen in allen Bereichen des Sports auf EU-Ebene zu fördern.

The new members include: 

In addition, the EPSI is in promising talks with four other potential members.

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EPSI Co-Executive DirectorAlberto Bichi ist stolz

I am very proud of what we have achieved so far," said Alberto Bichi, EPSI Co-Executive Director. The central aim of the European Platform for Sport Innovation is to support the sports sector in Europe. The aim is to raise the profile of the sports sector in Europe and help generate public funds for the broad value-added chain of sport.

Another successful step for EPSI is the regional partnership ClusSport. This makes it possible to redirect so-called structural funds to the sports sector.

Regional partnership ClusSport

In this context, a ClusSport Scoping Note was recently completed. To this end, cross-regional and co-investing cooperation projects are to be established:

  • Smart Sport Wearables (quantified self) - ICT4Self,
  • Smart Sport environment and IoT (quantified environment),
  • ICT4Env
  • Healthy active lifestyle - Sport4Vitality.

The EPSI is a network organisation in Europe that promotes a more innovation-friendly environment for the upstream and downstream sectors of the EU sports sector. The EPSI pursues a cross-sectoral approach and links a wide range of institutions, including health, technology, transport and tourism. What all the facilities have in common is that they deal with  sport.

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