Sports Business/04/05/2016

Click and dream: Our newsletter takes you on a journey through the world of sports and outdoor activities.

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The courage to take risks, to have adventures or simply to explore new paths: Once you immerse yourself in the world of sports and outdoor life, you won't want to miss it again. The experiences are so varied, the journeys so exciting, the stories so unique: We at love this world and want to take you with us once a month - on a very special journey. With full focus on one topic and to the point, we will take you on a journey with our Editorial Letter from ISPO - Perspectives of Sports & Outdoor into a world that is as exciting as it is unique.


Image credit: Bishop

Our Editorial Newsletter "Perspectives of Sports and Outdoor"

You want exciting stories, unique experiences and new perspectives? Then subscribe to our Editorial Newsletter now!

Just click on "Perspectives of Sports and Outdoor",
enter your e-mail address & the Editorial Letter will land in your mailbox once a month.

If you are also interested in news from the sports business or even work for a brand, agency or company in this field yourself, then (additionally) get our weekly Sports Business Update!

What to expect in our Editorial Letter

Once a month, we share with you the most exciting stories from universe- under a very specific theme. We illuminate focal points from all sides, provide different perspectives, and show how much potential is hidden behind them. With our topics, we want to inspire you - not just as a reader, but as a person. We want to inspire, set trends and show new ways.Together we can bring about change, create positive experiences and stories and understand innovative approaches.

Our Editorial Letter is for people who inspire and seek inspiration. Echte 'gamechangers': hungry for life, courageous, open-minded and of course each sporty in their own way.

Image credit:

These were our Editorial Letters

40,000 readers have already subscribed to our newsletter - and received great stories.
In May, we focused on the topic of risk.
We won over our readers in February with our Community focus. 
In January, on the other hand, we focused on Sport is Stronger


Image credit: Claydon

Subscribe to our Editorial Letter now

Fancy it? Subscribe today to theISPO Editorial Letter.
Simply fill out the registration form above. We are happy about every single reader and especially about feedback or topic suggestions.

Also register for the Sports Business Update and take part in the raffle! is giving away 3x2 VIP tickets for Bits & Pretzels from September 25 to 27 in Munich.

In addition to the Editorial Newsletter, register free of charge for the weekly Sports Business Update until September 11, 2022 and automatically enter the prize draw!

Conditions of participation

ISPO Munich 2025
It's that time again this year: ISPO Munich brings the sports and outdoor world together! Experience groundbreaking innovations, exciting future topics and valuable industry contacts. Be there when the trends of tomorrow emerge!

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