Sports Business/04/03/2018

Hackers capture data from 150 million Under Armour customers

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With Under Armour, the next major company is affected by a data hack. Customer data from 150 million accounts are said to have been stolen. The incident occurred in February and now became known.

Under Armour boss Kevin Plank must moderate the crisis.
Under Armour boss Kevin Plank must moderate the crisis.

This is a hacker attack on the My Fitness Pal app, which was taken over by the sporting goods manufacturer Under Armour 2015. The application logs the user's diet, counts their steps and helps them lose weight.

The data theft occurred at the end of February, but Under Armour discovered and released it at the end of March. The share price of Under Armour fell by 4.6 percent after trading hours. Recently, the minus was still just under two percent.Under Armour von Hacker-Angriff betroffen

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Users are informed about a special page


My Fitness Pal has already created a special page informing users about the data theft. Users concerned should also have been informed by e-mail and asked to change their password. "Check your accounts for suspicious activity," writes My Fitness Pal, adding: "Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments of suspicious emails.

The Americans are also working "closely with security companies and law enforcement agencies" to investigate the incident. Credit card and payment information has allegedly not been stolen because Under Armour has outsourced it elsewhere.


My Fitness Pal: Under Armour paid 475 million dollars

In 2015, the company bought My Fitness Pal for 475 million dollars. However, apps only make up a small part (1.8 percent) of Under Armour's total sales. This amounts to about four billion euros and has grown steadily in recent years. In October, however, the sporting goods manufacturer, which CEO Kevin Plank founded in 1996, surprisingly announced a drop in sales for the first time.

The Americans sponsor athletes all over the world, such as Austrian World Cup ski champion Marcel Hirscher, American football superstar Tom Brady and basketball player Stephen Curry. The German second-league football team FC St. Pauli also plays in under-armour jerseys. The data hack is only one of several in the past weeks. Probably the best-known was the social media giant Facebook, which fights for its reputation with users.