Sports Business/09/13/2018

Alexander v. Preen appointed new Intersport CEO

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After the surprising resignation of CEO Kim Roether in June, Intersport Germany has found a successor. Alexander v. Preen (53) will be the new CEO from November 1. The Executive Board will also be restructured.

Dr. Alexander v. Preen ist ab 1. November neuer Intersport-CEO.
Alexander v. Preen appointed new Intersport CEO

Following the surprising resignation of CEO Kim Roether in June, the Supervisory Board of the retailer association appointed Alexander v. Preen as Chairman of the Executive Board with effect from 1 November 2018. This was announced by Intersport on Thursday. In addition, the new "Cooperation Partners" division will also be introduced on November 1, which will be headed by Frank Geisler (53).

"With the appointment of Alexander v. Preen as CEO, the Supervisory Board unanimously decided to continue the ongoing transformation with him as head of the Executive Board and driving force behind the change at Intersport," said Knud Hansen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Intersport Deutschland eG. "As an intimate connoisseur of cooperative structures, Alexander v. Preen will also be an essential link to our members and dealers in the five-country network and will strengthen the trust in the cooperation between headquarters and dealer organisation. In addition, his broad trading experience will enable him to intensify and strategically expand the exchange with our industrial partners".

Der neue Intersport-Vorstand: Mathias Boenke, Alexander v. Preen, Frank Geisler, Hannes Rumer (v.l.n.r.)
The new Intersport Executive Board: Mathias Boenke, Alexander v. Preen, Frank Geisler, Hannes Rumer (from left to right)
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Frank Geisler takes over cooperation partner division

Alexander v. Preen has been working for the management consultancy Kienbaum Consultants International for over 20 years - most recently as Managing Director and Partner. He has advised companies in the retail sector on selected topics of corporate governance, strategic and operative corporate management and change.

The new executive board will be completed as of November 1 by Frank Geisler (53), who will be responsible for the new area "Cooperation Partners".

Geisler was entrusted with management tasks at Karstadt, Puma and Kaufhof, among others. Since 2011, he has been Managing Director of Dosenbach-Ochsner AG, the Swiss market leader in shoe and sports retailing, with responsibility for the Sports division.

Interim board member Schedl rejoins supervisory board

Mathias Boenke (52), who was appointed divisional director in June and is responsible for the "Intersport" division, will also be appointed executive director of Intersport Deutschland eG as of October 1, 2018. In addition, he will remain managing director of Intersport Austria.

As planned, Harald L. Schedl will resign from the Management Board as an interim member and resume his function as a member of the Supervisory Board of Intersport Deutschland eG.

Ex-Intersport CEO Kim Roether unexpectedly resigned on 15 June this summer after four years in office.

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