Everything about skiing: Equipment, tips and backgrounds

The ski is and remains the king of winter sports. Whether cross-country, alpine, freestyle or touring: skis are still the most popular winter sports equipment. Here you will find everything about the latest trends on the ski market, tips and advice for the perfect ski for your needs, as well as important know-how for ski enthusiasts and beginners.

The ski industry continues to boom

The European ski industry continues to be on the upswing. The sale of ski equipment is booming. ISPO.com not only presents you with the most beautiful ski slopes, but also shows you what challenges the ski industry will face in the future.

From the leisurely pleasure tour to the hell ride

Ski tours are in vogue. And not just the popular piste tours, extreme varieties open up far more possibilities for ambitious winter sports enthusiasts looking for that extra kick of adrenaline. Off the beaten track, the high alpine terrain, freeriding and big mountain skiing beckon.