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Here’s what your article should embody. Please read these Guidelines carefully. All submitted guest posts that do not align with these guidelines will not be published.

Our mission is to provide insightful, trend-oriented content that reflects the dynamic nature of sports, outdoor, health and fashion. All expert insight aritcles posts should align with our key topics of innovation, sustainability, sports tech, urban culture, equality and transformation.

Please note that is primarily a B2B magazine focused on international sports professionals from the sports industry rather than consumers. All guest posts should be relevant and valuable to this audience.

By following these guidelines, you can create high-quality, impactful expert insight articles that resonate with‘s audience and enhance their understanding of important trends and developments in the sports and outdoor industry.

We look forward to your contribution to, helping us inspire and inform our international audience with your expert insights.

No time to write an article?

We take it sportive and try to keep the effort for you as low as possible! Our Native Team helps you to turn news and topics into unique stories. From a one-off publication to an annual communications partnership. Regardless of your branch or budget - is the transport medium for your topics 365 days a year.

Do you still have unanswered questions? If so, feel free to reach out to us at any time.