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Andre Meier

Fantastic Opportunities for Advertising on

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From a one-time publication to an annual communications partnership. is the transport medium for your topics 365 days a year. Learn more about our native advertising formats here and find the ideal solution for your marketing.


Customized storytelling

A Native article on
A Native article on
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We prepare your messages journalistically and position them appropriately in our network. Our team of journalists, photographers and marketing strategists creates your customized and topic-based storytelling. Our content distribution covers 80% of the world's premium publishers. Additionally, your content will be SEO optimized. This way, we enable your content to have a high and lasting visibility on the web. You can choose between 4 options: Large editorial promotional article, editorial promotional article as a listicle, editorial promotional article with consumer feedback or year-round storytelling with the Brand Channel.

  • SEO reach through experienced SEO experts
  • Flexible offer composition for your content marketing
  • Target group-oriented content distribution (B2B & B2C) and editorial advice
  • as the leading medium of sports is listed on Google News
  • Additional lead generation through teasers on the homepage Newsletter integration
  • Final reporting

Future Reach - the search engine boost

The Future Reach Package from ISPO
The Future Reach Package from ISPO
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Benefit from the SEO expertise of our search engine cracks and the visibility of With our Future Reach package, we enter into a partnership with you for specific keywords and optimize your native advertising article accordingly.

This means: We guarantee systematic and long-term SEO traffic. Through SEO optimizations, we reach the German-language Google page 1 after 6 months at the latest and offer high findability in English-language searches as well.

What's involved:

  • Editorial consulting
  • targeted SEO traffic
  • Editorial story
  • Keyword according to agreement
  • Native advertising articles including content distribution

Hero athletes page

The hero page of Naomi Osaka on
The hero page of Naomi Osaka on
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Your brand ambassadors are real heroes for the target group. On their athlete pages, fans and followers learn everything about the athletic careers of their heroes and heroines. We create the athlete page for your brand ambassadors and fill it with editorial content tailored to the target group.

As a sponsor, your brand has the opportunity to integrate its logo, showcase products and link to its own store.



Presented by Module

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With our lead generation tool, we place your brand in existing articles that have organic traffic. We place your module in 1, 2 or 3 articles on that specifically match your message/brand.

Of course, we will advise you on a data basis which articles from the portfolio are particularly well suited to your message. The Presented by module can either link to an editorial promotional article on or any website of yours, for example a product or store page.

Our services:

  • Integration in editorial context
  • Target group specific placement
  • Sustainable reach
05 Newsletter Integration

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Reach more than 40,000 sports fans worldwide with our established ISPO newsletter! Choose which of our four options best suits your brand and your goal. This way you can make your target group aware of your brand, product launches or events.

  • Choose between two newsletters (B2B and B2C focus)
  • Choose between 4 display variants
  • Starting at 450 Euro

Contact me now and learn more

Want to learn more about how your brand can advertise on and which advertising option is best for your business? Then contact me now. My name is Florian von Stuckrad and I am responsible for marketing

Florian v. Stuckrad
Projektleitung Native Advertising auf im Auftrag der Messe München GmbH
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