Trend expert Louisa Smith has observed global influences that will affect the textile industry and its products in the Spring/Summer of 2019. “Megatrends include factors such as moment, dynamics and calm,” explains Smith. “These trends will also help to define trend colors and specific fabric developments.”
This trend reflects consumers' need for challenges in the things that they actively experience and their move away from consumption. Consumers realize that they have accumulated vast quantities of personal belongings and feel a growing need to get out and share their experiences on social media. Millennials (18 to 34 year olds) in particular drive the “Moment” trend through their need to get rid of unnecessary possessions, and they have the support of baby boomers who are striving for a healthier lifestyle and also have the disposable income that it takes to do so. While this will negatively affect mainstream retailers, it will benefit the sports industry because the activities and experiences that are posted will generate more awareness. It is about recognizing that less is more and about achieving a true quality of life through travel or sports adventures—and sharing it with friends on social media.

The growing commitment to increased sustainability is creating new efficiency: Several sectors of the textile industry are still striving for cleaner technologies and more ecological know-how with less waste, eliminating hazardous chemicals and more recycling. Techniques that conserve energy and water will become increasingly relevant in the future. One thing is certain: Sustainability will remain a central topic and will continue on its progressive path to create an enlightened textile industry. Pioneering efforts will also cross over to garments and accessories. The result will be increased performance and interaction between fabrics/products and the wearer that boost the wearing experience. Being multifunctional will be just as important as being lightweight, which is already popular, combined with a new sensational touch.
In our hectic, hyper-connected world, treating ourselves to a time out now and then and reflecting on the fundamental aspects of our existence is more important than ever. The time has come to relax, to escape the modern chaos of the 21st century and to create a timeless retreat where we can regain our strength. This megatrend is noticeable in materials that provide the multifunctionality that we need to achieve that work/life balance. New materials have a calming, harmonizing effect, a new type of comfort and are smooth. This trend will have a noticeable influence on the way materials feel to the skin. Textile companies must concentrate on this aspect and focus on single and double-knit fabrics with an almost sponge-like texture and creamy finish. In addition, cool-touch technology is an absolute must.
Moment, dynamic and calm: These factors will influence sports trends in the future. For companies interested in ISPO Textrends, they serve as a guideline for the application process. The brochure contains each of these trends as well as defined trend colors and five other textile trends. It is available for download here.
Once the application phase is complete (May 5, 2017), an independent panel of judges will select the products that will be on display at the ISPO Textrends Forum during ISPO SHANGHAI 2017. In addition, the ISPO Textrends trend book comes out at the beginning of July 2017.