The outdoor sector is already a pioneer within the industry when it comes to raising awareness of sustainability issues and social responsibility. As a cross-sector platform for the industry, OutDoor by ISPO will serve as a strong role model here. Arne Strate, the General Secretary of the European Outdoor Group, said: “When we think about the future of the outdoor sector, we also have to think back to the origins and background of the outdoor movement: People want to be active in nature. We help them do so – first, with our products and, second, with the ‘correct,’ sustainable way we do business. Environmental protection, social responsibility and the joy of outdoor life are what our fundamental brand identity is all about.”
The code of conduct will include tips and ideas on saving water and power, reducing waste and recycling resources. It will initially apply only to the period of the trade fair. It is aimed at all service partners, service providers and participants – especially exhibitors – of the trade fair. Among other things, these groups pledge to avoid using non-returnable plastic where possible, to give preference to local suppliers, to plan to use less material and power at their booths, to produce only the necessary amount of marketing material and giveaways and to travel in a climate friendly way to the site by using e-bikes, carsharing or public transportation.
You will find all details about the code of conduct, including green travel tips for visitors, as well as the appeal to exhibitors and service partners here.
Of course, the ISPO team also adheres to their own Code of Conduct. In the first step the organizers focus on reduction. Which resources are really necessary? Are there more environmentally friendly alternatives? Some results are visible at first glance on the fairgrounds: For example, carpet will only be laid for OutDoor by ISPO 2019 at the important points - the entrance areas and crossroads - which will be completely recycled after the trade fair and used to produce car floor mats. The branding, rigging and lighting above the own areas have also been greatly reduced. This results in several effects: The effort in assembly and disassembly is reduced, the power consumption is lowered, the personnel expenditure and the required printed elements are cut. The output of print products and giveaways is significantly reduced, all products are produced with environmentally friendly colors and materials. Drinking water dispensers will be available in all halls for visitors and exhibitors to refill bottles they have brought with them. Those who do not have their own container will receive reusable bottles or cups at two points at the fair in return for a small donation to the EOCA (European Outdoor Conservation Association). In all halls there are also marked sculleries in which the containers can be cleaned. All these measures are exemplary for the striving towards a more sustainable trade fair.
In general, Messe München is already making progress with concrete measures: it is regarded as one of the greenest fairgrounds in the world. The roofs of the exhibition halls are covered with one of the world's largest roof-mounted photovoltaic systems. In addition, Messe München has been using geothermal energy for several years. Since last year, charging stations for e-cars have been available free of charge.
The guidelines of the Code of Conduct are the first step towards a holistic sustainability concept that various working groups under the umbrella of OutDoor by ISPO are currently developing. OutDoor by ISPO, as a platform that unites brands, retailers and consumers, thus sets an important signal for an environmentally friendly and contemporary mindset: Together with all market participants, the challenges of the outdoor world such as environmental pollution and waste of resources are to be named, addressed and met with a clear attitude.