ISPO BRANDNEW was established as a platform for sports newcomers in 2000. For 2017, it named its list of Top 50 start-ups that will present themselves in the ISPO BRANDNEW Village at ISPO MUNICH. However, sporting goods and sports fashion are not the only things that characterize the sports industry. The digital world also pervades the market. So now ISPO wants to shed light on their exciting innovations with the new ISPO BRANDNEW category "Digital". The Top 6 start-ups will have a special exhibition area at ISPO MUNICH and a chance to prevail over their competitors as the ultimate victor in a direct comparison: Among other things, whoever gives the most convincing elevator pitch on the ISPO ACADEMY stage and wins will receive sound business-plan coaching.
Avalanche VR, Italy, 2016: Virtual avalanche training
Avalanche VR is a revolutionary new approach to avalanche prevention. The user goes on a virtual ski tour via virtual reality. During the tour, he must assess danger and make important decisions based on available data to select the safest route.
OpenSponsorship, USA, 2014: Contact platform for sponsorships
OpenSponsorship is a platform for companies that are looking for possible sponsoring partnerships. It makes it easier for new brands to enter the world of sponsoring and brings athletes together with potential cooperation partners.
Fision, Switzerland, 2015: Website plug-in for determining clothing sizes
The Size Advisor of the new Swiss company Fision is a user-friendly software application that gives the user individual size recommendations when buying jackets, trousers and shirts. Based on full-body photographs from the front and side and details regarding height and weight, the app calculates the appropriate clothing size in just a few seconds.
Taktikr, Germany, 2015: Tactical knowledge for aspiring soccer trainers
Aspiring soccer trainers invest a lot of commitment and passion in their teams. taktikr is an app that provides immediate support: It provides answers to concrete questions about training, the game and tactics and allows the user to develop a training plan quickly. A chat function allows experienced trainers send quick and individual answers via WhatsApp or a browser. The archive serves as a knowledge pool.
SOLOS, Germany, 2016: Interactive screens to improve training
Anyone who works out at a fitness studio is familiar with the problem that a trainer is not always available to correct exercises when necessary. The "intelligent" mirror from SOLOS is the answer. As a digital personal trainer, it provides real-time feedback, records and analyzes training progress, connects with equipment and is easy to use.
Eversports, Austria, 2016: Administrative software for sports studios
Eversports software simplifies administrative tasks at sports facilities that pertain to availability, management and capacity optimization for courses, camps and events. Eversports.com allows the user to reach thousands of active sports enthusiasts in their region and improve brand awareness in the process.