Climate-friendly venues, sustainable outdoor activities, and environmental technology projects that help improve the ecological footprint when producing, distributing and using outdoor equipment – the links between outdoor and environmental protection are very diverse. Climate protection is equally as important here as the issue of efficient and sparing use of resources. In short, sustainability and outdoor are already closely linked.
X-Industry aims to promote the exchange between the different industries. The format allows the different industries to work jointly to develop the international outdoor industry. From June 30 to July 3, 2019, X-Industry took place for the first time at the OutDoor by ISPO trade fair with the following components.
With the X-Industry exhibition area in Hall B5, a physical platform was created in which outdoor know-how was combined and expanded with sectors outside the industry. Solutions from the following areas (Digital Retail- & Industry Solutions, Environmental Technologies, Printed- & Organic Elektronics, Elektronic Components, Transport- & Logistics, Real Estate and Automation- & Robotics) were shown.
The industry trade fairs automatica, electronica, EXPO REAL, IFAT, LASER World of PHOTONICS, LOPEC and transport logistic introduced themselves and gave application examples which are relevant for the outdoor industry.

Young people of Generation Z worked on solutions to selected global issues of the four partner companies.
Topics of the partners:
- Vaude: What does the perfect Generation Z outdoor weekend look like?
- MMG Strategy: New Work - what does the ideal working environment look like for you?
- German Council of Shopping Centers: What will the shopping center of the future be like?
- xStarters: How can we make cities and communities more environmentally friendly and liveable?
Solutions of Generation Z:
Lectures on Printed and Organic Electronics (LOPEC)
- Robert Lindner, Organic and Printed Electronics Association (OE-A): "Flexible and Printed Electronics for Electrifying Sportswear"
- Wolfgang Mildner, MSWtech: "Flexible Electronics – an enabling technology for Wearables and intelligent clothing"
Lectures on the topics transport and logistic
- Lars Gutermuth, LOXXESS: "Digitization in the warehouse“
Would you like to be part of OutDoor by ISPO next year? Then get in touch with us!