
“OutDoor by ISPO means united! We have to reach the generation Y to Z ”

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The concept for OutDoor by ISPO stands: After 25 years in Friedrichshafen, the 2019 trade fair will be held in Munich. The European outdoor industry and ISPO presented their visions at the launch. In a series on ISPO.com, key representatives of the outdoor industry describe their reactions. Read here: Maximilian Nortz, Managing Director of International Business at BLACKYAK.

Maximilian Nortz, Managing Director International Business of BLACKYAK

ISPO.com: Mr. Nortz, what did you think of the new concept of OutDoor by ISPO?
Very positive. How OutDoor was presented by ISPO was fantastic in terms of its content.  If only for one reason, because the whole concept was designed for the long term.

Resulting from this, one single word got stuck in my mind : United! -  Because I feel the entire industry should now stick together and ask itself: how it can be possible to bundle budgets at B2C level with retailers independently of B2B events in order to reach generation Y through Z and most importantly to  make "outdoor" an experience.

I feel this is a goal that we inside this industry should all work towards.

Doing something big together, instead of everyone for themselves

Why has there been a lack of united ideas in the outdoor industry?

There are many reasons for this, for example some companies may only have their own cards in view and are reluctant to be looked at by others. This issue of competitiveness may be very important in some respects. However, when it comes to activating young people, You’re only strong together, When you do something big together. Instead of everyone pushing things around, gingerly, and only for themselves.

BLACKYAK has three keywords in it’s agenda: Listen, Think & React! We consistently work together as a team to achieve all of those steps. 



Internationality at OutDoor by ISPO

How will your company get involved at OutDoor by ISPO?
For BLACKYAK OutDoor presented by ISPO is going to be a very important event in our calendar.  Especially against the backdrop of our global orientation. I don’t like talking about the past.  

Internationality is very important for an international company. That also means we as an industry can now jointly fall back on the network that ISPO has built up over the recent decades. That’s a huge benefit!

We’re very pleased that we can be a part of this in the future, So we’re definitely in.

I can guarantee you we will contribute with our creativity and passion for the outdoors so that we can play our part in ensuring that we as an industry can look forward together and be successful.