Technology <> Sports

Technology < > Sports

Sport and technology continue to inspire each other and drive the development of sport. Wearables, electronic sports products or high-tech materials come from other industries: sport as the ultimate test for many technological applications.


Trend Topic Partner

YKK was introduced to ISPO Brandnew in 2007 and have since been one of the main sponsors for the village whilst launching some striking and interesting campaigns. Since 2015, YKK is the presenting sponsor of ISPO Brandnew. At OutDoor by ISPO 2019, YKK is Partner of the Basecamp of Inspiration and the Trend Topic "Technology <> Sports"



Founded: Italy, 2016 Awarded as: Finalist 2018, Accessories


Founded: Germany, 2017 Awarded: Winner 2018, Hardware Summer

Hero Water Wear

Founded: Australia, 2018 Awarded. Winner 2019, Apparel

Lumos Helmet

Founded: China, 2015 Awarded: Finalist 2018, Accessories


Founded: Germany, 2014 Awarded: Finalist 2016, Accessories

RhinoWolf Ltd.

Founded: Israel, 2017 Awarded: Finalist 2018, Hardware Summer


Founded: France, 2018 Awarded: Finalist 2019, Hardware Summer


Founded: Germany, 2018 Awarded: Finalist 2019, Apparel