ISPO Autor
Martin Jahns


Sports Business
Just like in sport: Content marketing managers must be team players who know the scene well.
Market analyst YouGov concludes in a study that a clear social attitude of brands is well received by German consumers. However, it is also clear that there is a great deal of scepticism – and those who do not follow words with deeds will be punished.

Sports Business
The German Basketball Bundesliga was able to end its season despite Corona with a newly developed tournament mode.
In view of Covid-19, sports clubs and associations have found creative solutions to run leagues and events - from new tournament formats to unusual cooperations. But the crisis is not over yet: Amateur sport is suffering from the restrictions - and without fans, things will get complicated even for the professionals.

Also, and especially during sports, mouthguards and masks can help contain the spread of the corona virus. But is sport with a mask really healthy? What effect does a mask have on training? gives tips.