ISPO Autor
Lars Becker

As a journalist and reporter, Lars Becker has been traveling the world for over three decades. At mega-events such as the 13 Olympic Games as well as in search of the exciting background of the sports business. The qualified journalist and trained sports manager is passionate about the diversity of sports and brands beyond soccer. For, the outdoor fanatic has been writing for a decade about the latest developments in the sports industry, how money and sports interact and what's behind the most exciting protagonists of the scene.

Die Digitalisierung erreicht auch die Outdoor-Welt
Digitalization is also reaching outdoor enthusiasts. But what digital tools do customers really need? This is what ISPO Open Innovation and Jack Wolfskin want to find out in a survey. All participants receive a reward.

Der Aufwärtstrend der Outdoor-Branche setzt sich auch 2018 fort.
After a strong year in 2017, the positive trend in the outdoor industry continues in 2018, as an evaluation by the European Outdoor Group for the first half of the year shows. The EOG wants to provide its members with ever better and more up-to-date data on market developments.