LCA – Long Complicated Algorithms? Or Lovely Creative Adventures?

  • Tuesday, June 04, 2024
    14:00 - 15:00
    Add to Calendar2024-06-04 14:00:002024-06-04 15:00:00LCA – Long Complicated Algorithms? Or Lovely Creative Adventures?EOG Speakers Corner (A3.342)Ispo.comEurope/Berlinpublic
  • Event location
    Munich Trade Fair Center, Hall A3, EOG Speakers Corner (A3.342)
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  • Keynote
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We know that LCA’s require a large amount of data entry – then some magic happens and then we get a number out at the end.  However, let me ask you; Do we really understand what that number represents? What does it mean to us – as a business or on a personal level? And how will it really change what we do? Bowie would like to share with you her journey of LCA and her dream – to demystify LCA and encourage widespread understanding and adoption for ‘normal’ people. Using food and dietary analogies (easier to digest!), she will take the time to explain why LCA’s are important for the future within textiles and how LCA could, and should be used within businesses. Let’s shift the mindset of Long Complicated Algorithms to be Lovely Creative Adventures! 
  • Bowie Miles
    Textiles Consultant