GTS | How to reduce athlete downtime and increase game-related performance

  • Wednesday, December 04, 2024
    15:15 - 15:45
    Add to Calendar2024-12-04 15:15:002024-12-04 15:45:00GTS | Wie man die Ausfallzeiten von Sportlern reduziert und die spielbezogene Leistung steigertSilent stage 2Ispo.comEurope/Berlinpublic
  • Event location
    Munich Trade Fair Center, Internationales Congress Center München, Silent stage 2
  • Event
  • Lecture
  • Topic
  • Track / Segment
Insights into the science and practical examples of the relevance of visual, cognitive and motor tests and training in injury prevention, game-related rehabilitation and performance enhancement.
  • Christian Hasler
    Christian Hasler
    Founder and CEO of SKILLCOURT®