Redefining Retail: The Visionary Future of the Omni-Seller Marketplace

Imagine a world where brands and retailers are partners in the mission to meet consumers exactly where they are—online, in-store, or both at once. Locally’s Omni-Seller Marketplace platform redefines this future, creating a seamless connection between digital discovery and local fulfillment. Join Eoin Comerford (former CEO of Moosejaw) and Mike Massey (Founder and CEO of Locally) as they unveil how real-time inventory, adaptive fulfillment options, and unified cart technology are driving a new era of retail. Discover how becoming a product marketplace can transform your business, deepen consumer loyalty, and forge a path toward sales growth in every channel.
  • Eoin Comerford
    Eoin Comerford
  • Mike Massey
    Mike Massey
    Founder and CEO