Gold Winner | Teamsports Infrastructure

The MultiSport floor is an industry innovation in the field of dynamic sports floors. Under the GlassFloor there are LED strips that light up through the glass to indicate the desired play lines for each desired type of sport on the surface, avoiding confusing line transitions. The individual lines of each sport are independently illuminated by a touch screen according to the sport desired.
Available from: already on the market
Retail Price: 550.00 EUR
"A practical, carefully designed solution to display individually desired lines and dots, which will also benefit the next generation of players and new game ideas."
Urs Weber, Runner's World

Efficiently utilises floor space in a time where space comes at a premium. Interactive/dynamic training exercises are possible as lines can be changed instantly and in real-time, opening doors to enhanced exercises impossible with a ‘static’ floor. We provide a multi-use, professional sports floor which isn’t available anywhere else on the market.